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12 Subtle Signs Your Baby Daddy Wants You Back

12 Subtle Signs Your Baby Daddy Wants You Back

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Having a baby daddy is not one of the easiest relationships for most people.

This is because the fact that a baby daddy relationship exists inadvertently means that a child exists in that relationship, but both parents aren’t committed to each other.

This relationship dynamic, of course, is unique for everyone, like every other form of relationship.

While some people have okay relationships with their baby daddies, others have a great relationship with him.

And another category of people have a bad relationship with their child’s father.

Some are even so bad that their baby daddies are absent even from the child’s life.

Because a co-parenting relationship is not the norm, it usually is not the easiest to navigate.

You may find yourself walking on eggshells and just being careful.

Even if you have begun to suspect that your baby daddy has feelings for you and wants you back, you may want to confirm to avoid disappointment.

If you see any of the signs below, they may indicate that your baby daddy likes you.

12 Subtle Signs Your Baby Daddy Wants You Back

1. He comes around too often

Signs your baby daddy wants you back

Of course, he should come around, especially when the kids are with you.

You both are responsible for children, so many things can make him come to your place.

However, something may be up if he begins to come around more than necessary or when the kids aren’t even home.

I’m not trying to get your hopes high or make you jump to conclusions.

But if you have noticed that your baby daddy now jumps on every excuse he gets to come to your place, it may be a sign that he wants you back.

2. He comes to see you

Signs your baby daddy wants you back

I think this is an even more direct sign.

He doesn’t just come often; he comes to see you.

If he were coming often to see the kids, that’d be a different case because it’s easy to infer that he wants to spend more time with his kid(s).

But when he begins to come to your place when the kids are at school, or even with him, making it clear that it is you he has come to see, that can be a sign.

For most co-parenting relationships, the parties involved like to keep things cordial but formal.

This is because it is a dicey relationship, and they’re careful not to convey the wrong message.

Your baby daddy making it expressly clear that he wants to spend more time with you can be him trying to send a strong message.

3. He tells you he’s single

Since you both aren’t romantically involved, your individual personal lives should remain each’s business.

Unless it has something to do with the kid(s), you shouldn’t necessarily ask or know what the other party is up to in their new relationship.

So your baby daddy letting you know that there is no woman in his life is unnecessary but can be an intentional act.

He may be trying to say, “The coast is clear. Please come back.”

Mainly if the other woman who was the reason you both weren’t together in the first place is no longer in the picture.

He may be letting you know that he is now available, and you both can be together.

4. He shows you care and affection

Signs your baby daddy wants you back

If your baby daddy moves from being formal and cordial to being affectionate and very kind to you, this can be a subtle sign.

If he no longer acts like you’re both business partners or acquaintances but begins to act like he’s responsible for you, it may be a sign that feelings have crept in and he wants you back.

This is not unusual in many co-parenting relationships.

It may start as a non-romantic relationship, but as time goes on, things can change.

I am not expressly saying that this is the case in your situation, but paying more attention can help you find out.

5. Jealousy comes in

The presence of the ‘big green monster’ can indicate that romantic feelings are present.

Suppose your baby daddy begins to act all territorial around you, curious about the men you hang around, and jealous when you talk of spending time with another man.

In that case, it can be a reflection of his intentions.

You may notice his mood changes negatively when you mention another man or a romantic interest.

He suddenly gets uncomfortable and may even try to discourage you.

Girl, that man has some things in his mind; he just hasn’t told you yet.

His jealousy can be indicative of unresolved feelings that he has for you.

6. He communicates frequently

If your baby daddy is speaking to you a lot more than he used to, and it has nothing to do with the kids, you can suspect that he has developed an interest in you.

Especially if the nature of the conversation is getting personal and intimate.

He calls texts, and chats you up more often than needed.

Or he brings up conversations every time you meet, making you speak with him longer than you intended to.

Your baby daddy might just be trying to get you back.

7. He takes responsibility for the way things turned out

Signs your baby daddy wants you back

In his conversations, you may notice that he often refers to the past and speaks like he wants to make things right.

He may bring up issues you thought were buried long ago, trying to address them and making you understand that he’s sorry.

This can mean that he wants to fix things.

I mean, otherwise, why else would he be trying to correct his wrong and make you see him as a different person?

Well, maybe he’s just trying to clear his conscience.

But also, maybe he wants you back.

8. He supports you

Signs your baby daddy wants you back

Your baby daddy is expected to support you in many ways when it has to do with the kids.

They belong to both of you, so you must work together to ensure they’re fine.

But he is not obligated to support your endeavors and pursuits.

For instance, depending on the nature of your relationship and the arrangement between you both, your baby daddy is not mandated to help you clean your place, mow your lawn, pay your personal bills, or shower you with emotional support.

If he starts doing that, it may be that he’s just being nice, but many times, it can also mean he wants to win you over because he likes you.

9. Compliments and Flirting

Signs your baby daddy wants you back

This is another way to know that something’s up.

Your baby daddy begins to get personal with you, showering you with nice compliments now and then and flirting with you.

This can leave you confused, especially since you both weren’t like that before.

Before falling for his sweet words, step back and analyze the situation.

It may be that he wants to have fun with you or genuinely wants you back.

10. Your kids tell you

Signs your baby daddy wants you back

Kids don’t know how to pretend, so if your kid tells you that their daddy likes you, there is a high chance that they’re right.

He may have mentioned it to them before, and instead of keeping his little secret, they decided to spill it, obviously because they’re kids.

You know your kid better and can tell when they’re being brutally honest.

11. He talks about the future

Ideally, the only future you both need to be talking about is the future of your children or child.

If your baby daddy starts talking about his future with you or his future and including you in the picture, it can be a sign.

He may be trying to reestablish a connection and make you welcome the idea of moving forward with him.

12. Talking to friends and family

Signs your baby daddy wants you back

He may take it a notch higher by speaking with your friends, family, or even mutual friends.

He may seek advice from them on the best way to approach you or ask them about your relationship status.

If he’s inquiring about information that has nothing to do with his kids, you are most likely in his interest.

You know your situation better than anyone else, and you are familiar with your child’s father, so you can identify the signs when they show.

Final Thoughts

All the signs shared above should make you raise an eyebrow and suspect something is up, but they shouldn’t make you assume or conclude.

Personally, I never believe anything is being said until it’s verbally been told to me directly.

And I think this is a good rule to live by, especially in sensitive relationships like one with a baby daddy.

Wait for verbal confirmation or initiate a conversation to avoid wrong assumptions.

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