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Things To Do When Bored and Stuck At Home : 100 Ideas

Things To Do When Bored and Stuck At Home : 100 Ideas

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Do you need ideas on things to do when you are bored and stuck at home?

Do you have some free time on your hands and you don’t know what to do with it, and you want fun things to do when you’re bored? 

Perhaps you are tired of doing the same thing(s) when you are bored and you need ideas on other fun things to do.

You are at the right place!

I’ve made a list of 100 fun and creative things to do when you are bored and stuck at home. 

So, if you need ideas on things to do when you are bored and stuck at home or even anywhere, here are 100 things to choose from:



1. Revamp your old jewellery 

I realized I could do this just this week, and I can’t wait until I have free time to do it. 

I have a lot of old earnings I can’t wait to revamp, especially with African print. 

It’s such an easy thing to do. All you need is a piece of clothing that you love, and glue. 

There are tons of videos on YouTube to guide you. 

2. Make new jewellery 

If you don’t have old jewellery to revamp, you can make new ones even with old buttons or if you have the necessary accessories. 

Again, the internet is replete with guide to help you if you’re a newbie. 

There’s something beautiful about creating something.

3. Start a journal

Journaling has a lot of benefits that cannot be ignored. 

Putting your thoughts to paper can elevate your mood, enable you to express yourself better, help you to understand your feelings and access your fears, improve your memory, boost your creativity and can help you to cope with grief. 

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and author of bestseller, Lean In, revealed in her book, Option B, how journaling helped her to deal with grief after losing her husband. 

I finished reading the book within a few days even though I was a few days postpartum. Her narration drew me in and I couldn’t drop the book until I finished it. 

You can try any of the following journaling ideas if you don’t know what to journal about :

1.Gratitude journal (write what you’re grateful for) 

2.Lessons life has taught you

3.Things you’d do differently 

4.Daily goals 

5.Lessons learned at the end of each day 

6.What you love most about yourself 

7.Where you’d love to travel to

8.Things that are most important to you. 

9. Your deepest heart desire 

10.Your greatest gifts etc. 


4. Take a stroll and breathe in fresh air.

5. Call a friend you haven’t heard from in a long time. 

6. Start gardening.

There’s something about growing new plants.

7. Listen to music, especially new albums.

8. Dance.

It’s a form of exercise. You don’t necessarily need to hit the gym to burn some calories. Dancing is a fun way to do that.

9. Make a wig.

You can learn how to on YouTube. 

10. Knit. 

11. Watch a movie. 

Sometimes, sitting in front of the screen gets boring and we want to try something different. That’s why we have this list.

12. Listen to podcasts.

13. Record a podcast, even if you won’t share it. 

You can record it with a friend(s) or partner, just to create sweet memories.

14. Record a video. This is also another way to create lasting memories of yourself and others.

15. Braid your hair or someone else’s hair. 

Some people have the natural ability to braid their hair themselves and this they usually do when they’re bored. 

16. Do a zoom call with your friends. 

Hopefully, they’re as bored as you.

17. Invite a friend(s) over and have a small party.

18. Visit a friend/family.

19. Write a short story. 

You don’t have to be a pro to write one. It does not have to be perfect or even make sense. 

Just write! 

Who knows? You might discover you can write after all.

19. Go to the beach especially during summer.

20. Sew, if you can. And if you can’t, you can learn on YouTube.

21. Do a review of products or services you have used and share. Your review can help others to make a good buying decision.

22. Volunteer. Put a smile on somebody’s face.

23. Compose a song.

You don’t have to be a professional singer or have a singing voice to sing. 

Singing is a form of expression. 

24. Record yourself while singing. 

25. Learn new makeup skills on YouTube. 

26. Draw. Or learn to. 

27. Paint. 

28. Bake your favourite snacks or learn new recipes. 

29. Try new food recipes, if cooking is your thing. 

30. Sleep.

You’ll wake up feeling refreshed. It’s okay to do nothing but sleep. 

31. Learn video editing. 

32. Rearrange your wardrobe. 

33. Create a food timetable. 

34. Plan your meal for the week. 

35. Play scrabble or any game you love with friends, partner or spouse. 

36. Go for a leisure drive. 

37. View old photo albums. 

38. Stage a photo shoot right in the comfort of your home. 

39. Virtual (window) shopping. 

40. Write letters to your 50 year old self. 

50. Write letters you’d want your children to read when they’re adults. 

51. Give yourself a manicure/pedicure. 

52. Read a book (novels especially). 

53. Write an outline of a book you’d love to write. 

54. Medidate or reflect.

You’ll be amazed at how many insights you’ll gain. 

55. Record a (video/audio) monologue. 

56. Create a new recipe. 

Experiment with different ingredients to produce a new recipe. 

57. Go for a swim or learn how to. 

58. Lie down and watch the sun set or sun rise. 

59. Find a vantage point and observe people and their activities. 

You can learn a thing or two from people. 

60. Design a new game. 

61. Learn a new language. 

62. Declutter. 

Remove those items you don’t need and donate them or throw them away if they can’t be useful to anyone. 

63. Take pictures of the things you don’t need and sell them online e.g Facebook marketplace or other selling groups. 

64. Write letters to your future grandchildren. 

65. Write a poem or learn how to write one. 

66. Give yourself a pep talk. 

I love doing this and it works for me, especially when I’m anxious, worried or consumed with negative thoughts. 

You can talk yourself out of anxiety and some bad decisions. 

67. Create some new dance moves. 

68. Practice public speaking before your mirror. 

69. Write the outline of a course you hope to teach. 

70. Build a piggybank to encourage you to save. 

71. Play a musical instrument or learn how to play one. 

72. Play truth and dare with friends or lover. 

73. Revamp your old shoes with African print or any fabric you like. 

74. Listen to jokes. 

75. Watch Ted Talks on YouTube and be inspired. 

76. List the bad habits you want to get rid of. 

77. Outline the ways to get rid of them especially by listing the good habits you want to take on. 

78. Prank a friend or your partner. 

79. Come up with new and creative pranks. 

80. Record a dance video and share if you want. 

81. Write a play. 

82. Create a vision board. 

83. Chat with friends or create a group chat. 

84. Learn new words from the dictionary. 

85. Act a short play with your friends, family or kids. 

89. Water your plants. 

90. Write a list of the things you’d love to do, experience or achieve before your next birthday or a certain age.

In short, write a bucket list. 

91. Sew your favorite torn clothes. 

92. Do laundry. Listen to music and dance while at it. 

93. Watch old videos of yourself, friends, family or the kids. 

I enjoy doing this a lot because it brings back fun memories. 

This is why it is important to create, capture and save new memories for future sake. 

You’ll never regain a lost moment. Why not save it? 

Also, you’ll never have people with you forever. But the memories you share with them can stay with you forever.

94. Take pictures of beautiful things around you, especially nature. 

95. Do some choreography. 

96. Do some Yoga. 

97. Social media detox. 

Get away from all the noise and distractions in the world and enjoy tranquility in solitude. 

98. Have a bubble bath with some wine and music. 

99. Study your Bible (if you’re a Christian).

100. Pray. 

You can never go wrong with fellowshipping with your heavenly Father. 

I hope you found these 100 things to do when bored and stuck at home useful.

Things to do when bored and stuck at home

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