Sometimes, I see wives complain about how physical intimacy just seems to have faded away in their marriages, and it brings up a question.
What could be wrong?
Because the truth is a marriage that lacks physical intimacy is a sign that something is wrong.
Let’s face it—physical intimacy is important, and a lot of the time, it is what holds many marriages together.
It’s not just about the act itself but the connection and vulnerability it communicates.
While every relationship is unique, there are certain wives who know the things that make their husbands crave intimacy.
They don’t just know these things– they also practice them in their relationships.
While many wives may be complaining about the reduction in physical intimacy in their marriages, these other wives seem to have their husbands thirsting for them as if they were newlyweds.
If you have ever wondered what they do differently, you are in the right place.
Let’s explore the subtle and not-so-subtle things these wives do to make their husbands crave physical intimacy with them.
Trust me, they are not hard to do.
In fact, you will be amazed at how simple some of them are.
8 Things Wives Do That Make Their Husbands Crave Physical Intimacy
1. They touch their husbands
No one knows the power of touch as much as a couple in love.
Just a single touch can communicate so much more than many words can express.
Physical touch should never start in the bedroom.
This is the mistake that many wives make.
They think the only place they can touch their husbands is in the room.
But the actual truth is that physical intimacy involves other little touches throughout the day.
You could hold hands or do other things, but the truth is that if physical intimacy extends beyond the walls of the bedroom, it makes husbands crave their wives more.
If you are the kind of wife who doesn’t touch your husband until you are in the bedroom, and even then, you just go straight for his manhood, it is not so surprising that your husband doesn’t show much desire for physical intimacy.
It can feel a lot like groping when a wife just goes straight to touching her husband in the bedroom without touching him all day.
When wives touch their husbands outside the bedroom, these little gestures remind the men of their connections to their wives.
So, dear wife, prioritize physical intimacy outside the bedroom.
It shows your husband that you see him and desire him.
Beyond this, it’s also like setting the stage for what is to come later.
Let him anticipate and eagerly wait to make love to you.
2. They flirt with their husbands
It’s such a sad sight when I see married couples who don’t flirt with each other anymore.
It usually feels like the life of their relationships has been drained out.
This is another major reason some men no longer crave physical intimacy with their wives.
Their wives have neglected flirting with their husbands.
Those wives whose husbands crave them know that they should never stop flirting with their husbands.
Not even when they are old and gray.
They still flirt with their husbands like it’s their first date.
You don’t need pickup lines for this.
A wink, a teasing comment, and a suggestive smile are enough to make your husband feel like the most desirable man in the world.
Remember the way you used to send dirty texts to him or flash him that seductive look from across the room?
Well, you may have gotten more mature, but this doesn’t mean you have outgrown flirting with your husband.
Bring back that energy into your marriage!
When you flirt with your husband, it’s a reminder that you still see him as a lover.
Some marriages have taken the appearance of two people in a business partnership.
Flirting with your husband is a way of assuring him that you are not just in the marriage because of responsibilities.
You truly find him attractive and you crave him.
It’s funny how the idea that someone craves you can fill you with a desire for that person.
3. They compliment their husbands
I have heard some women say that men don’t need affirmation in relationships.
If you are one of those women, you need to change that wrong mindset.
Men love words of affirmation.
They thrive on affirmation, especially when it comes from the woman they love.
Tell your husband that he looks really nice in a shirt, and you may be surprised at how frequently he wears that shirt.
Words are powerful; especially in marriage.
Complimenting your husband – whether it’s about his appearance, skills, or character— boosts his confidence and makes him feel valued.
And when a man feels valued, he is very likely to crave a physical connection with you.
So, don’t hesitate to tell him how handsome he looks or how cute his smile is.
If you don’t tell your husband these nice things, I can categorically assure you that some other women are waiting to do them for you.—whether about his appearance, skills, or character—boosts
Compliment your husband and you will be shocked at how much it fuels your husband’s desire for you.
It is something really simple.
So, start doing it if you haven’t started.
4. They are attentive
In a world full of distractions, giving your undivided attention is a rare and precious gift.
One thing I know for certain is that men are usually attracted to women who pay attention to them.
It is usually easy to do this in the honeymoon phase of a marriage.
But for many wives, the novelty just wears off as time passes, and they become too comfortable with their husbands.
A man wants a wife who truly listens to him, laughs at his jokes, and engages in meaningful conversations.
In fact, even in dating, high-value men take note of things like this.
If you seem more focused on eating or making videos with your phone on a dinner date than talking to him, it is usually a red flag.
Of course, you would do all of that but don’t make it seem like the main reason you came on the date was to eat and make videos for TikTok and Instagram.
Women whose husbands crave them physically have mastered the art of attentiveness.
They truly listen to their husbands.
Quality time spent with them is truly quality because they give their undivided attention.
Men can find this really attractive and downright sexy.
So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that their husbands crave physical intimacy with them.
Through their undivided attention, they have deepened their emotional connection to their husbands.
And guess what?
Emotional intimacy is a catalyst of physical intimacy in marriage.
When he knows he has your undivided attention, he will want to be closer to you.
5. They initiate sex
I think wives should know how to initiate sex in their relationships.
Don’t just wait for your husband to do it all the time.
Do it yourself.
There’s no rule book that states the man must be the one to initiate.
Recently, I spoke to a friend, and she mentioned a period when she was really attracted to me.
So, I asked why she didn’t say anything about it, and she replied that she had given me the “green light.”
When it comes to things like this, I am usually color-blind.
I intentionally don’t address any green lights aimed at me because that “green light” may not actually be green.
If she had spoken to me about it, we would have worked through the situation.
She would have known if I wasn’t attracted to her that way.
Instead, she spent years pining for a guy who didn’t see her as more than a friend.
So, my point is that sometimes women need to take the bull by the horns.
We need to normalize wives initiating physical intimacy.
It’s not just his job to set the mood.
When you take the lead, it sends a powerful message that you want him just as much as he wants you.
Sometimes, men want to see this.
This is why they hold back sometimes.
They want to know that the desire is not one-sided.
Whether it’s a surprise kiss or a bold move in the bedroom, your initiative can be a major turn-on for him.
When you do this, you will realize that your husband will have no reason to hold back his desire for you.
6. They take care of themselves
I have seen people get angry when people mention they are overweight and need to hit the gym.
To them, it feels like body shaming.
But sometimes it is not.
I recently realized it myself.
I never would have imagined that I would be described as a “fat guy,” but I was, and that made me take a critical look at myself.
I was getting really big, doing no exercise, and hardly even leaving my house.
I knew something had to change.
So, I started exercising.
Consistency is difficult, but I am trying.
My point is everyone has to take care of themselves.
Not for anyone else but for themselves.
Some wives know this and are so actively involved in self-care.
When you prioritize your own well-being—whether through self-care, exercise, or pursuing your passions—you radiate confidence, which is irresistible.
When you feel good about yourself, it shows, and that energy is magnetic.
It’s not about being “perfect”.
It’s about trying to be the best version of yourself both physically and emotionally.
7. They support their husbands
In a world where men are often expected to be strong and stoic, they need safe spaces.
They need to be themselves around people they love.
Being a safe space for your husband is one of your duties, but that doesn’t make it any less marvelous to him.
The fact that he can take off the mask when he is around you without fearing criticism is a joy.
When you create an environment where he feels comfortable being vulnerable, it deepens your emotional and physical connection.
Let him know that when he is around you, he can let his guard down, and you won’t pull the rug out from under him.
When your husband trusts you this way, it increases his desire.
Being vulnerable with each other has been known to improve the quality of physical intimacy enjoyed in marriage.
8. They laugh together
They say nothing makes two people bond better than shared trauma.
Well, try shared laughter.
It works wonders in your relationship.
When people share inside jokes, watch a funny movie, or simply laugh at life’s absurdities together, they create a bond that goes beyond the physical.
A couple that laughs together is a couple that stays connected—and that connection often leads to craving each other in every way.
So, spend some time with your husband, talking and laughing together.
Marriage is full of enough responsibilities, sometimes, all you need to do is relax and have fun with your husband.
Be spontaneous.
Dance in the light rain showers.
Build snowmen.
Take strolls and find joy in the little things of life.
Do all of these with your husband.
Spontaneity will make your husband crave you even more because he knows time spent with you is usually fun.
Whether it is spent outside or cuddled up together in the bedroom.
Ultimately, physical intimacy is more than just a physical act.
When wives pour into their husbands in these intentional ways, it creates a cycle of love and desire that keeps the flame alive.
So, whether it’s through a touch, a compliment, or a shared laugh, remember that the little things often make the biggest impact.
Never forget this.