Why One-Word Answer Questions?
If you’re looking to have a fun time with your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, or even friend, or to get to know them more, asking questions is one of the sure ways to.
Apart from having fun, it’s a sure way to know your spouse in a relaxed atmosphere.
What better way to know someone than when the mood is great?
Also, it could be a way to stimulate your/their brain and get creative.
1. This is not a regular question-and-answer game. It’s strictly one-word answer questions.
Meaning, the answer to every question must be one word.
2. You can take turns in asking these questions and assign a mark to each question to declare a winner maybe or just to know the number of correct answers.
3. You can also set a time limit for each answer so that the game is more structured.
For instance, a maximum of 10 seconds to answer each question, depending on the capacity and agreement of the people involved.
Have fun with these 100 cool one-word answer questions game!
100 One-Word Answer Questions To Know Someone
1. Describe your life
2. Your feeling right now
3. Your childhood
4. Your high school experience
5. Your celebrity crush
6. What you have a phobia for
7. Your dream job
8. Your favorite hobby
9. Your favorite holiday destination
10. Your next holiday destination
11. Describe your country
12. Describe your president
13. Describe your boss
14. Describe your job
15. Your college experience
16. Your first date ever
17. Describe your first day in high school
18. The first name of your first best friend
19. Describe your workplace
20. Describe yourself
21. Describe your first kiss
22. Describe your first boyfriend/girlfriend
23. Where is your happy place?
24. What’s your guilty pleasure?
25. Describe your first day at work
26. Describe your first job interview
27. What would you rather be doing right now?
28. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received
29. What’s your favorite board game?
30. Your favorite book in the Bible (if you’re a Christian)
31. A skincare product you can’t do without
32. Your favorite subject in high school
33. Your personality
34. Your most cherished attribute
35. Your favorite physical feature
36. The first thing you notice in others
37. A subject you’d teach if you were a teacher
38. Your least favorite subject
39. A home appliance you can’t do without
40. Your least favorite household chore
41. Your favorite household chore
42. One thing you regret ever trying and would try again
43. One thing you’re looking forward to trying
44. If you could go under the knife, what part of your body would you love to work on?
45. One thing you could do all day, every day
46. One world problem you’d solve if you had the power
47. What you’d never buy with your money
48. An item you’d buy if you received a gift of 1M dollars
49. An activity you think should be banned
50. Describe the world
51. Your favorite animal
52. If there was a second life, would you love to come back as a man or woman?
53. Your favorite color
54. A job you would never do even if the salary was 1M dollars a month
55. The sweetest name you’ve ever heard
56. A celebrity you’d love to date
57. Your least favorite celebrity
58. The most unrewarding job in the world
59. Your favorite day of the week
60. Your favorite time of the year
61. Your favorite time of the day
62. Your mood when you wake up
63. The most unnecessary job
64. One thing you love about winter
65. One thing you love about summer
66. A place you’d love to visit again
67. Your very first opinion of me
68. Love is – – – –
69. Your role model
70. Favorite sport
71. Favorite meal of the day
72. Your favorite waking time
73. Your favorite sleeping time
74. The quality you value most in others
75. A habit you’d love to give up
76. A language you’d love to learn
77. What you think is overrated
78. What you think is underrated
79. A skill you think everyone should learn
80. What you find most boring
81. Your favorite bird
82. Your most-priced possession
83. The most useless thing you’ve ever bought
84. First thing you touch when you wake up
85. What makes you angry?
86. Your favorite fashion item
87. An unpopular person you think is a hero
88. Your favorite part of the house
89. Your favorite drink
90. Your favorite exercise activity
91. If you were a salesperson, what product would you love to sell
92. One thing you hate
93. One thing you’re so good at
94. One thing you’re obsessed with
95. Your favorite word
96. People you think deserve the greatest punishment
97. The person you’d give anything to see
98. The person you wish never to see
99. A place you’d never go even if you were paid 1M dollars
100. One thing you think is more important than money.
Have fun!
Also Read
30 Hilarious Questions to Ask Your Partner
Monday 26th of December 2022
I don't mean to seem stupid. But on this quesiont 82. Your most-priced possession are you asking the most expensive item you own. Or the most-prized possession. Which item you charised? It doesn't matter to me I was just curious. Thank you for the feed back.
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Monday 26th of December 2022
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Wednesday 4th of August 2021
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