”My boyfriend is happier with his friends!” If this sounds like you, don’t beat yourself up for it. I understand that it is difficult to not take it personally and get defensive when your boyfriend is happier hanging with his friends than with you. You might even get jealous of his friends and feel like …
Fay Nonye
A clingy girlfriend is a woman who is always around her boyfriend, even when he doesn’t want her to be. She gets upset if he says no to a date or a get-together, and she feels insecure if she’s not in constant contact with him. Is your boyfriend always complaining that you’re clingy or you’ve …
”Why do I lose interest in guys so fast?” If you have been asking yourself the above question and you need answers, you are at the right place. It’s good to ask yourself why you lose interest in guys fast after getting meeting them. What will happen if/when you eventually get married? Will you lose …
Physical intimacy is one of the ingredients of a happy marriage. So, it’s such a big deal if your wife is no longer attracted to you sexually. If things have not been going on fine in the bedroom and you are wondering what the problem is, it might be because your wife has lost her …
What are the signs of a clingy girlfriend? Being a clingy girlfriend is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it’s just a sign that you’re in love and want to make sure your partner knows how much you care about them. However, there are times when your clinginess can become problematic for you and your …
You’ve met a guy who seems interested in you, or maybe you are even friends. But he hasn’t asked you out, and you’re wondering whether he ever will. Maybe he goes radio silent for days or weeks at a time. Or he’s always canceling plans with no notice. And when he does finally reach out, …
”Help! My husband has destroyed me emotionally!” If this sounds like you, and you need some encouragement, comfort, and tips on how to cope when you feel emotionally destroyed by your husband, you’ve come to the right place. Emotional abuse is one of the most common forms of domestic violence and happens behind closed doors, …