No relationship leaves you the same. A relationship will either make you happier or sadder, make or mar you, add to you or take away from you. So, just as a good relationship can add a lot of positive things to your life, a bad relationship will cost you some positive things. What will an …
Mabel's Blog
Humans are designed to be flawed in one way or another. Nobody is perfect, and you shouldn’t be on the lookout for perfection in a man. But just because humans are not perfect does not mean you should put up with anything in a relationship. No perfect relationship exists, but as a woman who desires …
There is something worse than desiring to be loved and not being loved, it is being with someone who is simply pretending to be in love with you. While men do fall for women who don’t love them, we are likely to find more women in this bind because men rarely settle. Women, on the …
Even though getting married has become a norm in most societies, some people still wonder if marriage is for them. People are usually quick to list reasons why everyone should get married but rarely reasons why we shouldn’t get married; forgetting that marriage isn’t for everyone. If you are not sure if you should get …
I want my man to be crazy about me. Don’t give me the side-eye. I know you want the same too. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this article. Gotcha! Hahaha. Anyway, it’s a thing for a man to be in love with you, it’s another thing for him to be crazy about you. I also …
While there is no perfect man on the planet (hello, you are not perfect yourself), there are some qualities you should definitely be on the lookout for in a man to determine if he’s worth your time, energy and commitment. I understand that people want different things in a relationship and some don’t even …
Being a smart woman means you know better, thus, should make better decisions in several aspects of life including relationships. But this isn’t usually the case as women who are considered smart make some avoidable mistakes while dating. This doesn’t necessarily mean a smart woman is expected to be perfect. Nope. Anyone can be a …