You would think that every lady who is in a relationship would be excited to say ‘yes’ when her man pops the question. But this isn’t always the case. While men have reasons why they haven’t proposed to their women yet, women also have reasons for turning down their men’s proposals. These are the usually …
Mabel's Blog
I wrote that authenticity is one of the qualities of an attractive woman. To be authentic is to be genuine, real, original. In this present world where people tend to mask their true selves in order to present themselves in a socially acceptable way, being authentic could be a struggle. But that doesn’t change the …
Two weeks to my last birthday in September, a thought crept up in my mind, and I blurted it out to my husband, “Babe, do you think it’s possible to launch my book on my birthday?” “Everything is possible to them that believe,” he replied, laughing. “Come on, I’m serious.” “I am too, but you …
If you don’t know who Joyce Meyer is, you’ve got to be living under a rock! Whether you’re religious or not, you must at least have an idea of who the preacher and New York Times bestselling author is. I’m a great fan of Joyce Meyer and she’s an inspiration to millions of people, men …