There are many definitions of wisdom but I find this to be more encompassing:
“Wisdom is the ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding.” -Advanced English Dictionary
It is the ability to know and apply rightly what you know.
It’s knowing what to do per time and doing it.
It’s the ability to distinguish right from wrong.
Your decisions, choices, and lifestyle are a reflection of your level of wisdom.
Just like being an authentic woman, being a wise woman is a journey, a process, not an end.
So, as long as you live, you’ll always be in pursuit of wisdom because there is no end to it; thus, you can learn how to be wise.
Who is a wise woman?
What separates a wise woman from the rest?
What are the qualities of a wise woman?
What does a wise woman do differently to be wise?
10 Habits of a Wise Woman
1. A wise woman takes life seriously
A wise woman understands the sanctity and value of life, so she lives intentionally and passionately.
She understands that you only live once; hence, she makes the most of her life.
A wise woman doesn’t live carelessly, and this is reflected in her life choices.
Do you take life seriously or you’re ‘anything goes’ kind of woman?
By taking life seriously, I don’t mean you go around with a serious face and not take things easy.
I mean you value life and decide to live it well.
Life is a gift, and it’s long and short at the same time.
A wise woman knows this and decides to make every moment count.
She doesn’t waste her time on things that don’t matter; instead, she focuses on what truly adds value to her life.
2. A wise woman makes quality decisions
Life is full of choices, and a wise woman knows this.
She doesn’t allow herself to be swayed by societal pressure or opinions.
Instead, she takes the time to think things through and make decisions that align with her values and goals.
She understands that every decision she makes has consequences, so she chooses wisely.
Your life is a product of the choices and decisions you make.
I’m always wary of making any decision, especially major decisions without careful consideration.
Decisions on who to marry, friends to keep, courses to study, jobs to take, who to date, where to live, what to invest in, how many kids to have, etc. are all significant and should not be taken lightly.
As a Christian, this is where I’m grateful for the privilege of being led and directed by God.
He gives me wisdom and discernment to make decisions that are in line with His will for my life.
But even for those who do not share the same faith, it is important to take the time to think things through before making a decision.
It’s easy to get caught up in others’ opinions or be influenced by external factors, but ultimately, we must take responsibility for our own choices and their outcomes.
We must also remember that not every decision will turn out perfectly, and that’s okay.
Mistakes are part of life and they can lead us on different paths towards growth and learning.
So, instead of rushing into a decision without much thought, take a step back and consider all aspects carefully.
That’s wisdom!
3. She’s a passionate knowledge seeker
Since wisdom is the correct application of knowledge, as you can’t apply what you don’t know, a wise woman is an ardent knowledge seeker.
She recognizes that there is always more to learn and seeks out opportunities to expand her understanding of the world.
This curiosity and thirst for knowledge not only make her a well-rounded individual but also allow her to make informed decisions with confidence.
Moreover, a wise woman understands that knowledge comes in various forms—from books and formal education to life experiences and interactions with others.
She is open-minded and willing to listen to different perspectives, knowing that each person has unique insights to offer.
A wise woman has a functional library, an inquisitive mind, and a humble heart.
“Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights.” Proverbs 18:15 MSG
4. She seeks counsel and heeds to it
A wise woman understands that “in the multitude of counsel, there is safety”, so she seeks counsel before making life decisions.
She respects the wisdom of people who have gone ahead of her; she taps into their wisdom.
She’s not wise in her own eyes.
She doesn’t claim to know it all.
She understands that wise counsel can save her from avoidable mistakes.
5. She learns from her mistakes/experiences
Remember wisdom is the ability to make decisions from experiences as well.
A wise woman doesn’t have a short-term memory when it comes to her experiences and mistakes.
She learns from them and is careful not to make the same mistake again.
What wisdom is there in making the same mistakes over and over again?
Only a dull mind doesn’t learn from their mistakes.
A wise woman takes the time to reflect on her past experiences and how they can inform future decisions.
Through this process, she grows wiser and more discerning in her choices.
6. She learns from others’ experiences/mistakes
They say ‘experience is the best teacher’, but a wise woman understands that it doesn’t always have to be her experience.
In fact, it’s wiser to learn from other people’s experiences and mistakes than to always wait to learn from yours.
Even though there are some mistakes you’ll make in life, learning from others’ mistakes will minimize the mistakes you make and prevent you from repeating others’ errors.
Instead of mocking others for their mistakes, a wise woman learns from them.
7. She associates with wise people
A wise woman understands that “he that walks with the wise shall be wise but the companion of fools shall be destroyed” (Proverbs 13:20).
A wise woman understands that her company can either make or mar her, so she chooses her associations wisely.
They say where you’ll be in five years is determined by the people you associate with and the books you read.
A wise woman surrounds herself with positive influences, mentors, and friends who will push her toward her goals and aspirations.
She also knows when to cut ties with toxic relationships or friendships that do not align with her values and beliefs.
It’s not rocket science.
The people you surround yourself with can either lift you up or bring you down, so choose wisely.
8. She thinks before she speaks
A wise woman understands that her word is her power.
She understands that “life and death are in the power of the tongue”. Proverbs 18:21
A wise woman doesn’t speak carelessly.
She’s mindful of her words because her words could either trap her or bring her freedom.
Not only that, she understands the influence of words on others, so she chooses her words carefully.
A wise woman thinks.
She’s a thinker.
9. She doesn’t live for the moment
A wise woman understands that actions have ripple effects, thus, a decision she makes now could affect her or others in the future in some way.
A wise woman doesn’t live for the moment.
She thinks about the future.
She’s futuristic.
She makes plans.
She doesn’t leave her future to chance.
For example, in the area of finances, a wise woman plans and saves for the future, knowing that unexpected expenses or emergencies could arise.
She doesn’t live beyond her means or indulge in impulsive purchases.
Instead, she makes conscious and intentional choices that align with her long-term goals and values.
What is the benefit of your wisdom if your finances are in shambles?
10. A wise woman is spiritual
A wise woman is wise enough to understand that there is more to life than what the physical eyes can see.
She understands that everything – humans and all the wonders of the world couldn’t have been a product of the Big Bang theory.
She’s wise enough to know that every creature has a creator and that there is superior wisdom behind every human wisdom.
So, instead of ignoring the creator because she doesn’t understand some things, she seeks to know the creator to understand.
A wise woman seeks to know God.
She’s spiritual.
A wise woman is not a perfect woman. Far from it.
She’s just a woman who understands the value of life and seeks to live it well.

Thursday 11th of July 2024
Probably most of it is sound advice but it all sounds a bit grim. Life should be taken seriously but not too seriously. We shouldn’t live entirely for the moment but we can have a few moments of light heartedness.
Monday 8th of May 2023
Very wonderful
Joseph Edem
Saturday 5th of March 2022
Thank you, Cebile!
Friday 4th of June 2021
Thank you for sharing. I could see some of my traits in the article.
Sunday 14th of February 2021
Sweet, Thanks.
Mabel's Blog
Tuesday 16th of February 2021
Thank you, Kara.