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Mabel's Blog

There is no fear in love. If you are in a relationship in which your partner triggers feelings of fear or apprehension in you, you are most likely in an unhealthy relationship as this is not normal. You should respect each other, but there should be no reason for fear. Respect and fear are two …

Read More about 10 Intimidating Signs You Are Scared of Your Partner

A good marriage thrives on mutual respect, amongst many other factors. Marriage blossoms in a climate of love, honor, and respect. Claiming to love someone while disrespecting them is incredibly untenable.  No one with healthy self-esteem would desire to continue spending their life with a spouse who tramples on their sense of importance. Yes, this …

Read More about 12 Signs You Are Disrespecting Your Husband

“Till death do us part” were his words to her, at the altar, on their wedding day. How come he is now living his life with another woman? What could have made him leave his once beloved wife for another woman? How did he get to the point where he no longer desires to spend …

Read More about 12 Reasons Husbands Leave Their Wives For Another Woman

Long-distance relationships require a lot of intentionality and effort because when your partner is far from you, it is easy for challenges to arise in your relationship. One of the issues that come with long-distance relationships is disloyalty. Distance makes it easier for people to become disloyal and unfaithful to their partners. If you are …

Read More about The10 Effective Ways To Check Loyalty In a Long Distance Relationship

The term ‘babe‘ is a common endearment term lovers use for each other. Many couples come up with many other pet names for themselves, but ‘babe’ is a relatively common one. Pet names are one of the many ways lovers show how special they are to each other. When a guy you are not in …

Read More about He Calls Me Babe But I’m Not His Girlfriend: 7 Things It Could Mean

During the honeymoon phase and a while beyond, it is typical for married couples to share uncountable affectionate and passionate kisses, which indicates that they can’t seem to have enough of each other. However, many times, it seems that the longer a marriage is, the less frequent and less intense the kisses are. Who said …

Read More about What Happens When Married Couples Stop Kissing? These 7 Things