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Mabel's Blog

“My husband blames me for everything. He never takes responsibility and always says it is my fault when things go wrong…” Whether it is with the kids, chores in the house, your fights, his failures, or even his extramarital affairs, the blame is always dumped on you. What do you do when your husband blames …

Read More about ”My Husband Blames Me For Everything”: Turn The Tables

So you’re not officially dating, but you’re not sure if your relationship is more than just a fling. Are you dating? Are you friends with benefits? Are you in the early stages of a committed relationship? You two aren’t exclusive, but there isn’t anyone else allowed. What does your current relationship status mean? It’s hard …

Read More about 12 Glaring Signs You Are Unofficially Dating

The truth remains that some women are only after your money. While the truth may be bitter, it still won’t stop me from saying it. There are a lot of gold diggers on the loose, and if you’re not careful enough, you’ll be their next victim. You need to note the signs, know how to …

Read More about 11 Very Obvious Signs She Only Wants Your Money

“Should I break up with my girlfriend for going through my phone?” The debate about whether or not partners should go through each other’s phones may never end, especially on social media. Some people believe that there should be no secrets in a relationship and nothing should be off bounds for their partner to access. …

Read More about Should I Break Up With My Girlfriend For Going Through My Phone?