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Relationships require work and effort to thrive, but long-distance relationships require a tougher grind. I am in a long-distance relationship, so I have some things to tell you. To make things work in a long-distance relationship, you have to be more attentive to your partner’s needs and meet them as much as you can, as …

Read More about 15 Things Guys Want In A Long-Distance Relationship

No doubt, infidelity is a painful experience, especially for those who have been on the receiving end. It hurts. It hurts to know that the one person you trusted the most has betrayed you. As if it’s not bad enough that some men have one mistress, there are those who have multiple mistresses. Isn’t one …

Read More about The 9 Types of Married Men Who Have Multiple Mistresses

Let me start by digressing to tell you that I find the term “side chick” very hilarious! I always wonder what initiated the term “chick.” Was it an intentional derogatory term coined to demean women who have affairs with other women’s partners? I will be sure to find out because I’m really curious, but that’s …

Read More about Can a Man Fall In Love With His Side Chick? – The Unpleasant Truth

Hmmm, emotional cheating! This subtle form of cheating has a way of camouflaging itself in such a way that even the person involved in it may not recognize what it is. Apart from the subtility of emotional affairs, many men who are involved in it may try to defend themselves with the argument that they …

Read More about 6 Distinct Signs Your Husband Is Emotionally Cheating

There is one thing that almost all affairs have in come… They almost always come to an abrupt end. Most of the time, the end of these affairs is facilitated by discovery. Most people get into affairs without really thinking about being caught, and when it finally occurs to them that they may be discovered, …

Read More about 9 Popular Ways Most Affairs Are Discovered