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You have a loving partner, and you are happy with them. But, there is something that has been troubling you for some time now. You feel like you are begging for attention from your partner. You do not want to be a burden on your partner’s shoulders, and yet, there are times when you feel …

Read More about 11 Signs You Are Begging For Attention From Your Partner

So you’ve been seeing a guy for a while but haven’t made things official yet. Maybe you’ve just been friends, or you’ve been doing couple things together, but you are not sure if he sees you as girlfriend material.  So, how do you know if a guy sees you as girlfriend material, not a hookup …

Read More about 18 Pleasant Signs He Sees You As Girlfriend Material

Low self-esteem is an all too common problem that affects both men and women. Women tend to be more susceptible to low self-esteem because of societal pressures, but it’s not just a “woman’s disease.” Most people who suffer from low self-esteem are unaware that they have it. They feel like they’re fine, but they’re actually …

Read More about 17 Clear Signs of Low Self-Esteem in a Woman

So you’ve got a boyfriend, and his mom talks bad about you. It is not an ideal nor enviable situation when your boyfriend’s mother is not particularly your fan. While this might be uncomfortable, here are ways to deal with the situation: ”My boyfriend’s mom talks bad about me!” Cry no more, babe. Do the …

Read More about What To Do When My Boyfriend’s Mom Talks Bad About Me

Breakups are hard.  Breakups are difficult. They are painful and can leave you feeling shattered. But there’s good news: they can be good for you.  They are opportunities for growth.  You can use your breakup as a motivation to glow up in ways you cannot imagine.  Here are some ways you can take advantage of …

Read More about How To Glow Up After a Breakup And Make Your Ex Regret

You have a strong desire for companionship through marriage and are burning with passion, so you are sure that God hasn’t given you the gift of singleness. You know there are some people God wants to remain single forever, but you are not one of them. If you know God wants you to be married …

Read More about Why is God Keeping Me Single? 9 Reasons You’re Not Married Yet