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”Why do I lose interest in guys so fast?” If you have been asking yourself the above question and you need answers, you are at the right place. It’s good to ask yourself why you lose interest in guys fast after getting meeting them. What will happen if/when you eventually get married? Will you lose …

Read More about ”Why Do I Lose Interest in Guys So Fast?” 13 Reasons Why

Physical intimacy is one of the ingredients of a happy marriage.  So, it’s such a big deal if your wife is no longer attracted to you sexually.  If things have not been going on fine in the bedroom and you are wondering what the problem is, it might be because your wife has lost her …

Read More about ”10 Signs My Wife is Not Sexually Attracted to Me” 

What are the signs of a clingy girlfriend? Being a clingy girlfriend is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it’s just a sign that you’re in love and want to make sure your partner knows how much you care about them. However, there are times when your clinginess can become problematic for you and your …

Read More about 12 Unpleasant Signs of a Clingy Girlfriend

”Help! My husband has destroyed me emotionally!” If this sounds like you, and you need some encouragement, comfort, and tips on how to cope when you feel emotionally destroyed by your husband, you’ve come to the right place.  Emotional abuse is one of the most common forms of domestic violence and happens behind closed doors, …

Read More about ”My Husband Has Destroyed Me Emotionally!”: Rising Above The Pain

It’s never easy to admit that a relationship has ended, even when you notice the signs your long term relationship is over. After all, you’ve probably invested a lot of time, energy, and emotion into the relationship. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, relationships just don’t work out. Whether you were the one who ended …

Read More about 18 Signs Your Long Term Relationship is Over

When your daughter chooses boyfriend over family….. Even though my girl is still a toddler, I can’t imagine her choosing a boyfriend over me, over her family. It’s not a palatable experience for any parent at all. But the fact is, it happens. This is your daughter we’re talking about. The same little girl who …

Read More about When Your Daughter Chooses Boyfriend Over Family, Do This!