”My boyfriend and I have nothing in common!” If this is your situation, please keep reading. Is it okay not to have anything in common with your boyfriend? Do you always feel that you and your boyfriend are on opposite sides of the divide? Do both of you have different friendship circles and hobbies? Do …
“Help!! My son is being manipulated by his girlfriend. He seems to do everything she demands without considering the consequences. It’s as if he’s under a spell. What do I do?” The responsibilities of being a parent do not end when your kids stop needing you to change their diapers. It continues into their adult …
“I’ve never had a healthy relationship!” Humans are social beings, and relationships are a huge part of our lives. However, regardless of our need and desire for relationships, we should not remain in relationships that keep taking away from us and do not add any value to us. So if your worry is “I’ve never …
One tiring thing about being in a relationship is being able to deduce what the guy you like wants. Does he romantically like you? Will he make a move on you in the nearest future? It’s these questions that will lead you to look for signs he is getting ready to ask you out. There …
If your husband wants everything his way, it means he is controlling. No caps! You may suspect your husband is controlling, but you’ve not confirmed it yet. Let’s look at some clear signs that your husband is controlling. A controlling pattern is a red flag. So, if your husband shows any of these signs, please …
If you’re beginning to see signs of an uncaring husband in your man, this article is for you. Your husband doesn’t ask you questions about your day and how you feel when you go through hard times. He is uninterested in what you do, and you’re wondering why. At what point in his nonchalant behavior …
How do you know a man was hurt or emotionally bruised in his last relationship? You may have met a guy you’re considering going into a relationship with, or maybe you are already dating him, but you can see some signs that confuse you. He seems not to be over his last relationship or not …