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”My husband is not attracted to me because I gained weight!” It’s hard not to take it personally when your husband’s not attracted to you anymore because you’ve gained weight, especially if it’s due to pregnancy or post-pregnancy weight gain. After all, you were pregnant with his child, and now you’re raising that child together, …

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”My husband is overweight and it turns me off! What should I do?” Being attracted to your partner is an important part of a healthy relationship. But what do you do when your man puts on a few (or more than a few) extra pounds, and suddenly you’re not feeling those butterflies anymore? As a …

Read More about ”My Husband is Overweight And It Turns Me Off!” 10 Things To Do

”Why do cheating husbands stay married?” It’s a question that has been asked by wives and girlfriends for centuries—and one that is just as puzzling now as it was then. Why would a man who’s cheating on his wife stay with her? Apparently, cheating doesn’t necessarily mean the end of a relationship for some people. …

Read More about Why Do Cheating Husbands Stay Married? 10 Reasons!

What are the signs a guy doesn’t know what he wants? You meet a guy, hit it off, text all the time, you’re sure he’s into you, and then suddenly he starts to pull away, and you have no idea what happened or what you did wrong. It’s the worst feeling in the world, and …

Read More about  11 Signs A Guy Doesn’t Know What He Wants & You Deserve Better

Ah, love in the digital age. We now have more ways to connect with potential partners than ever before, but that doesn’t mean finding love is any easier. In fact, in some ways, it’s harder than ever to tell if someone likes you or not. Does that double text mean they’re interested? Or are they …

Read More about 17 Signs He Likes You But is Playing it Cool

“Why do men lie?”  The answer is more complex than it might seem at first glance, with several factors contributing to the issue. While telling white lies or lying for a good cause does not always mean they are untrustworthy, but lying to deceive, misrepresent the truth, and intentionally mislead and make false claims is …

Read More about Why Do Men Lie? 14 Reasons Men Withhold The Truth