”Help! My husband never does anything special for me!” You are a wife and mother, so you’re busy. You work, you cook, and you clean. You take care of your children, your husband, and yourself. You do all these things because you love them and want them to be happy. But sometimes, it feels like …
”My husband yells at me!” According to research, ”newlyweds who yell or call each other names have a higher chance of getting divorced.” Husbands yelling at their wives might be a common occurrence in marriages, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay. As an introvert who loves her space and some quiet, I can’t stand my …
You are not perfect, so you should expect your husband to find fault with some things you do at times. But if your husband finds fault with everything you do, there’s a problem. ”My husband finds fault with everything I do!” If this is you, you’re not alone. Many women feel like they can’t do …
Mixed signals are the worst! If you’ve ever been in a relationship with a guy who gives you mixed signals, then you know how frustrating it can be. A guy might say he wants to spend more time with you but then cancel plans at the last minute. He might say that he thinks you’re …
”Why am I so insecure in my relationship?” Insecurity is a normal part of being human. It’s not something to be ashamed of or feel bad about—it’s just a part of the process, and it can be fixed. You should be secure in your relationship. You should feel loved and cared for and have a …
Ever wondered why ghosters always come back? Then you should read this. Being ghosted sucks. You thought things were going well, only to have the person you care about suddenly disappear without any explanation. But sometimes, ghosters come back. They may reappear out of the blue, weeks or even months after disappearing. Maybe they realized …
Anyone who’s ever been cheated on knows the feeling of devastation, betrayal, and loss. You feel like you’ve been kicked in the gut, and you can’t help but overthink your partner’s cheating. When it comes to cheating, we want to know everything. We want to know how long he’s been hiding the affair. We want …