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When we (ladies) are in love, we talk. We talk. I mean, we spill almost everything on our minds. Even the most introverted of us become talkative. It’s like we throw our filter out the window and let words form themselves in our mouths. While it’s good to be free with someone you’re in love …

Read More about 5 Things About You Not to Tell Your Boyfriend Yet

Traveling is inevitable if you want to enjoy your life. In fact, traveling is inevitable for some people because their job requires them to be on the plane quite often. Not everyone loves sitting on the plane for hours without doing anything. Some people love seeing new places, but they don’t enjoy the process it …

Read More about A List of 55 Really Fun Things To Do on a Plane

Happiness is the goal of life. Or what’s the point of life without happiness? People are constantly reading articles on happiness, how to find happiness, and what to do to be happy in life. You want to be happy in life. That’s why you’re reading this. While some actions count towards happiness, other actions can …

Read More about 11 Things that Steal Your Happiness