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No matter how much you try, you can’t tick all the boxes on your wedding day. You can’t have a perfect wedding but you can have a satisfying wedding and I think that’s perfect enough. It’s better to learn from information than to to learn from your own experience because your wedding is just one day. …

Read More about Five Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make on Your Wedding Day

The news of a baby is actually an exciting one, but it comes with lots and lots of discomforts which vary in severity. Motherhood is a great experience but the journey to becoming a mother isn’t always a smooth ride. I made this post when I was battling with pregnancy morning sickness. Scratch that. Pregnancy …

Read More about Worst Pregnancy Symptoms : Women Share

Dolapo, a biochemist, makeup artist, and PhD student at Hiroshima University, is married to Michael, a University lecturer. Enjoy their love story….How long have you been married?  2 years How did you meet? Michael: In Uni through a friend. Dolapo: Hmm, it’s quite a long story with spiritual backing but I’ll summarize it. We met through a …

Read More about COUPLE INTERVIEW: ''He is sensitive and insensitive!''