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20 Positive Affirmations for Tough Times

20 Positive Affirmations for Tough Times

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positive affirmations for tough times

Whether you like it or not, you’ll face tough times at some points in life.

It’s just part of life.

Tough times vary in forms, severity and duration.

How we handle tough times is way more important than the tough times themselves.

While some people crumble under the weight of their challenges, some use it as an opportunity to build strength and develop courage.

One of the ways to handle tough times is by staying positive, and staying positive requires you to speak positively.

Some people think positive affirmations are cheesy.

They wonder how chanting good words can help you in any way.

I’d say those people don’t understand the power of words.

There’s power in spoken words!

Even the Bible says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Proverbs 18:21

Not only will confessing positive affirmations help you to stay positive, with time, you get to believe those positive words.

Just as negative words can pull you down, positive words can lift you up.

If you want to stay positive during life tough times, here are 20 positive affirmations to help you:

Positive Affirmations to Help You Through Tough Times

1. No condition is permanent. This too shall pass.

2. Tough times don’t last. Tough people do. I am tough.

3. I have the capacity to overcome any challenge that comes my way.

4. This shall end in praise.

5. I will not drown/die in my circumstances.

6. My circumstances do not define me.

7. I see light at the end of this tunnel.

8. Every challenge has its season. This season shall come and go.

9. I am strong. God is my strength.

10. I won’t give up. I won’t quit.

11. I’m not the first to experience this. If others could do it, I can too.

12. Difficult isn’t the same as insurmountable. Therefore, I will get through this difficulty.

13. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and develop strength and courage. This challenge will make me stronger.

14. This problem will not break me. I am unbreakable.

15. I can never experience any problem that I’m unable to overcome. I’m experiencing this because I have the capacity to deal with it. I’ll surely overcome this. It’s not beyond me.

16. I am a survivor. I have survived many things in life. I’ll surely survive this.

17. Time is a healer. With time, this feeling will go away. This wouldn’t matter in three years.

18. It is well with my soul. It is well with me and all that concerns me.

19. I am stronger than I think, tougher than I think. I have the capacity to surmount any issue.

20. Life is full of ups and downs, good times and bad times. I’ll enjoy the good times and endure the bad times.

positive affirmations

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Thursday 31st of October 2019

Nice work


Friday 1st of November 2019

Thank you!