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The Secret Reasons Guys Are Attracted To Women Who Are Independent

The Secret Reasons Guys Are Attracted To Women Who Are Independent

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If there’s something extremely controversial about romantic relationships, it’s the concept of the independent woman.

This is because, for many years, women have been seen to be “nice,” subservient, and submissive.

So, the concept of an assertive, opinionated woman who doesn’t pander to men is seen as an anomaly.

If you don’t believe me, think about the pushback independent women get because society wants to mold them back to that comfortable traditional image of what a woman is.

Despite this, men have been known to be attracted to this kind of woman.

Not only are they making it ahead in their careers, but they are also winning in love.

This is quite contrasting because why are men still chasing after independent women when there are supposed to be the wrongest set of women to be with?

It is because independent women have certain qualities men are secretly attracted to.

They may not readily tell you this, but that’s why I am here.

In this article, I will discuss the secret reasons men are attracted to independent women.

7 Secret Reasons Men Are Attracted To Independent Women

1. They Are Refreshing

The Secret Reasons Guys Are Attracted to Women Who Are Independent

Dependent women are easy to find.

Everywhere you turn, there’s a woman looking for someone to shoulder her financial burden and life problems.

And there’s one who wants to offer men domestic services and have them be the provider.

So, finding a woman who doesn’t want or need all that is refreshing; it makes the man feel like he has found treasure in the mud – even when it’s an illusion.

At that first instance of meeting an independent woman, a man thinks, “Wow, so women like this exist.”

This is not to say he hasn’t heard that they do, but the experience of meeting one who is not making financial demands, trying to overwhelm him, or pursuing him is refreshing.

2. They Are Challenging

As much as men like to pretend they want a woman who can give it out immediately, they are hunters at heart.

So they like a challenge.

They only like to pretend they don’t because sometimes, they want a release, and a woman who will make them work for it will defeat the purpose.

If a guy wants you only for sex, he wishes you would put it out immediately or on the first night.

So, he lies.

He tells you men enjoy women who know what they want. 

In this context, what they mean is a woman ready to let them into their pants at the word go.

But if you are seeking a long-term relationship and not time wasters, you better believe a man will move heaven and earth for a woman he’s interested in.

Steve Harvey once told how he got together with his current wife, Marjorie.

After they got together, she visited once and saw that he was still talking to other women.

She told him she wasn’t interested in an unserious man, and if he was ready for a serious relationship, he knew where to find her.

Having said that, she picked up her bag and left.

In fact, she traveled back because they stayed in different cities.

His response was to break the phone he was using then so the other women couldn’t contact him, and he went after who he wanted.

Now, of course, if he just wanted her body, he may not have acted right and lost her.

But she wouldn’t have lost anything because he’d have been a time waster that she obviously didn’t want at that time.

However, because he wanted her, standing her ground made him act right and chase after her.

Imagine if she had simply threatened to leave and never did; I bet you getting him to act right would have been difficult.

And he may have had his fill of her and lost interest.

But the knowledge that she could do without him and would leave without looking back if he didn’t get his act together challenged him to do what was right.

What am I trying to say in this long, roundabout way?

Men like a good challenge, and they will likely gravitate towards a woman who makes them work for it rather than one who gives it away easily.

3. They Are Adventurous And Interesting

The Secret Reasons Guys Are Attracted to Women Who Are Independent

Another reason men secretly like independent women is that they are adventurous and exciting.

Dependent women are often groomed to have an image of a stuck-up woman who only does what she assumes a man wants.

But an independent woman knows how to have fun.

She’s classy and carries herself well, but she’s also playful when she needs to be.

She wears a dress well and can beat him at his favorite video game on the same beat.

This kind of woman is not one to play by the rules; she is unpredictable and keeps him on his feet.

Therefore, he’s unlikely to get bored with her and lose interest. 

4. They Know What They Want

Men are often plagued with women who don’t say what they mean.

I’m sure you’ve heard some women say things like, “If she says no, she means yes” or “When she says no, don’t just take it as no, persist.

The problem with this is that this narrative clashes with consent.

For instance, a guy shouldn’t keep touching you when you say no because you want to play coy.

It’s confusing.

So, he’s likely to gravitate towards the one he knows her yes is yes, and her no is no.

He doesn’t want to read minds, and he doesn’t have to with an independent woman.

5. They Are Not Codependent

The Secret Reasons Guys Are Attracted to Women Who Are Independent

Codependent women are overwhelming, and being with them gets old fast.

This is because they are usually highly reliant.

They fall into that category of women who get a man, forsake their friends, lose themself, and make their life all about the man.

They do this because they think that’s what the man wants; a woman’s place is by her man, after all.

But in reality, many men prefer self-reliant women who have their own thing going.

A woman who has a job or business, is making money, and has hobbies and interests is more attractive than one who loses herself trying to please him.

He wants a woman whose brain he can pick because she’s stimulating it by working.

He wants someone who can advise him and provide solutions, not someone he has to guide through life constantly.

Of course, men also want to be the heroes of their women, and so their women should sometimes let them handle things.

But at times, he wants to relax and know his woman has his back.

6. They Come with Money

Without mincing words, the economy is harsher, and a single-income household just doesn’t cut it again.

Men are looking for a partner who can help them handle the home’s finances.

While a good number of them don’t mind being the provider, so they are ready to take the bulk of it, they also don’t want to handle everything.

They want a woman who has money and is ready to contribute significantly.

In case they don’t tell you, this is one reason men secretly want independent women; they know most of them are hardworking and come with money.

7. They Are Not Coy About Sex

The Secret Reasons Guys Are Attracted to Women Who Are Independent

Most independent women are not shy about saying what they want and getting involved in the sheets.

So, a man knows he won’t be dealing with a woman who lies like a log in the bedroom or who acts coy.

She’ll get involved because she’s interested in having fun and giving you fun.

In essence, although there’s so much talk about how independent women are bad for men, men pursue them relentlessly because of certain attributes these women come with. 

Yes, men might prefer the independent act to be toned down a bit, but best believe that some of them can live with that because of the other qualities mentioned above.

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