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What Makes a Man Open Up To a Woman? These 11 Things!

What Makes a Man Open Up To a Woman? These 11 Things!

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When dating, you may have noticed that some guys open up easily and others don’t.

Generally, when it comes to men, they’re not always the most open people.

It’s hard to get them to share their feelings and emotions.

But it doesn’t mean they don’t want to open up to their woman, but some things must be in place.

So, in this blog post, I will share what makes a man open up to a woman.


What Makes a Man Open Up To a Woman? 

  1. A man opens up when he feels heard

What Makes a Man Open Up To a Woman? 

He needs to know that you’re listening and that you care about what he has to say.

That’s why it’s so important for women to be receptive when their men talk about their feelings.

Sometimes guys need to vent about their problems, and sometimes they just want someone to listen as they talk about the game or their latest project at work.

If you’re friendly and compassionate and show him that you’re interested in what he has to say, he’ll feel more comfortable opening up more often.

If you want a man to open up to you, be fully present during conversations.

Don’t just listen to what he’s saying—listen to his body language too.

If he seems tense or uncomfortable, ask questions that encourage him to open up more e.g., “What made you feel like this?” or “How did it make you feel?”

Also, don’t just say “uh-huh” or “yes.”

Ask him questions about what he said or about himself or what it was like for him when something happened in his life.

Asking questions shows that you care and listen.


2. He feels respected by you

what makes a man open up to a woman

You don’t need to be a shrink or a therapist—you just have to be someone who understands and respects him.

When a man opens up, it’s because he wants to share something with you, but more than that, he wants to share it with someone who understands and respects him.

He wants to know no matter what he tells you; you’ll still respect him.

He doesn’t want pity or sympathy; he wants someone who will listen and understand what he’s going through.


3. He feels like he can trust you

what makes a man open up to a woman

This is probably the most important factor in getting a man to open up.

He has to trust that you won’t judge him and that whatever he tells you will stay between the two of you.

He’ll never open up to you if he feels like he can’t trust you.

There are a few ways to build trust:

Be honest with him: if you want him to be honest with you, you need to be honest with him too.

Don’t tell him what you think he wants to hear: tell him the truth, even if it’s difficult.

Respect his privacy: if he tells you something in confidence, don’t go blabbing it to all your friends.

He needs to know that you can keep a secret and that you’ll respect his privacy.


4. He feels supported by you

If you want to know what makes a man open up to you, it’s simple: he feels supported by you.

When a man feels that he can be vulnerable with you and that whatever comes out of his mouth won’t be judged or criticized, he’ll feel safe enough to tell you the things that matter most to him.

He will open up to you if he knows you’re in his corner, cheering him on and supporting him through thick and thin.

But this doesn’t mean he needs to hear “I love you” or other words of affirmation.

It just means that he can share himself with you in an atmosphere of safety and trust.


5. You are intelligent

It is universally acknowledged that intelligence is one of the most attractive qualities in a potential partner.

After all, who doesn’t want to be with someone who can keep up with their witty banter and challenge them intellectually?

However, intelligence isn’t just about being able to discuss the latest news stories or spout random facts.

It’s also about being able to connect with someone on a deeper level.

This is where you have the advantage if you are intelligent.

You can see beyond the superficial facade that people put up and read between the lines to understand what they are saying.

As a result, you can build stronger relationships based on trust and mutual understanding.

So if you’re looking for your man to open up to you, start by showing him that you’re smart enough to see the real him.


6. You reciprocate the level of emotional openness he offers you

what makes a man open up to a woman

Have you ever had the experience of confiding in someone, only to find that they don’t reciprocate?

It can be frustrating, even hurtful.

You might wonder what you did wrong or if there’s something wrong with you.

But the truth is, sometimes people aren’t ready to open up.

So when a man starts to open up to you emotionally, and you reciprocate the level of emotional openness, he’ll only open up more.

It’s a sign that you’re on the same wavelength and that he trusts you enough to share his innermost thoughts and feelings.


7. Be calm and relaxed

Your guy probably isn’t going to tell you all his deepest secrets if he senses that you’re stressed out or anxious.

That’s because our bodies produce the hormone cortisol, which triggers the “fight or flight” response when stressed.

In other words, we become focused on survival and self-preservation, and everything else takes a backseat.

So if you want your guy to open up to you, it’s important to be calm and relaxed.

This will signal to your guy that you’re safe and he can trust you.


8. You are not dramatic

Drama is the enemy of intimacy.

That’s because when there’s drama in a relationship, it means that someone isn’t being honest or authentic.

And when you’re not being honest or authentic, it’s difficult to build trust.

So if you want your guy to open up to you, it’s important to avoid drama.

This doesn’t mean you have to be boring, but it does mean being genuine and authentic in your interactions with him.

It also means keeping your cool when things don’t go according to plan.

The bottom line is that a man is more likely to open up to a drama-free woman.


9. You are patient with him when he does open up (or doesn’t)

What Makes a Man Open Up To a Woman?

If you want a man to open up to you, know that everyone is different.

This means there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to getting him to open up.

Some men will open up quickly, while others might take longer.

And some men might never fully open up, no matter how long you wait.

The important thing is to be patient with him, regardless of how long it takes (or doesn’t take) for him to open up to you.

This will show him that you’re truly interested in getting to know him and that you’re not just trying to pry information out of him.

It will also give him the space he needs to open up at his own pace.


10. You are real with him; you don’t put on an act

One of the quickest ways to kill any chance of a man opening up to you is to put on an act.

This might mean pretending to be someone you’re not or trying to be someone you think he wants you to be.

Either way, it’s inauthentic and a major turn-off for most men.

So if you want a man to open up to you, be real with him.

This doesn’t mean you have to share everything about yourself immediately, but it does mean being honest and genuine in your interactions with him.

It also means not trying to be someone you think he wants you to be.

The bottom line is that men are more likely to open up to women who are real with them.


11. Give him some space

Finally, everyone needs some space, including men.

If you’re constantly in his space or trying to get him to open up to you, he’ll likely feel suffocated and will start to withdraw.

So if you want your guy to open up to you, give him some space.

This doesn’t mean you have to disappear completely, but it does mean allowing him to miss you and to want to open up to you.

It also means not being afraid to give him some time alone.


This list is not exhaustive, but these eleven things make a man open up to a woman.

What Makes a Man Open Up To a Woman?

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