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10 Signs You’ll Be a Successful Woman

10 Signs You’ll Be a Successful Woman

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I don’t believe success is genetically determined because if that is the case, it means some of us won’t even stand a chance.

I believe success is a product of what you do and do not do.

Even if it was genetically determined, you’d still need to put the genes to work; otherwise, they’d lie dormant.

These acts that determine success eventually become the signs that others will see and know that you’re destined for success.

This means that no matter who you are, what you do, or your circumstances, you can be a badass, successful woman if you put these actions into practice.

10 Signs You’ll Be a Successful Woman

So, what are the signs that you’ll be a badass successful woman?

1. You desire to be successful

This is the most important factor in being a successful woman.

You have to desire success. You have to have a burning passion and drive for it.

Without this desire, you’ll be directionless and lack the motivation to achieve your goals.

If you are not thirsty, you can’t go in search of water, let alone be filled.

Your drive for success will push you to do the things you have to do to be successful.

In this highly competitive world, success does not just happen.

You have to work for it and constantly strive towards it.

But if you strongly desire success, you’ll always find the motivation to keep pushing forward, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks.

If you desire success, then it’s a sure sign that you’ll be a badass successful woman.


2. You have goals

What is success?

Success is simply the achievement of set goals.

Do you want to be successful?


What are your goals?

What do you want to achieve?

You’ve got to know because success is relative.

What is success to me might not be a success to you.

Some people’s definition of success is money, while others define it as having a happy family or making a positive impact in the world.

Simply saying, “I want to be successful,” isn’t enough.

What are your written life goals?

What does success mean to you?

How do you plan to achieve it?

If you don’t have these set goals, how then will you achieve success?

Remember the SMART principle for goal setting?


S- specific

M- measurable

A- achievable

R- realistic

T- time-bound

Have SMART goals, and you’ll be on your way to being a success.


3. You’re ready to give it all it takes


Success requires dedication, hard work, and persistence.

It won’t come easy, but if you truly want it, you’ll be willing to put in the effort.

There are many people who desire success, have goals, and even have a plan in place, but they lack the determination and drive to see it through.

Don’t be one of those people.

If you are not ready to give it all it takes, then success may not be for you.

But if you are truly committed and willing to work hard, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.


4. You’re determined

Determination is critical to being a successful woman because, in addition to the glass ceiling challenge women face, you’ll be faced with personal challenges.

Personal challenges such as self-doubt, fear of failure, and the pressure to balance work and family can often make it difficult to stay motivated.

But with determination, you’ll be able to push through these challenges and keep moving forward towards your goals.

Remind yourself why you started on this path, and let that fuel your determination to succeed.

I often say that married women would work thrice as hard as their male counterparts and single ladies to achieve the same level of success.

But with determination, you have the power to break through any barriers and achieve your goals.


5. You’re passionate about a cause

You’re not just about everything but about something.

There’s a reason behind your desire to be successful.

You have a burning passion.

It’s what keeps you awake at night and makes you wake up in the morning.

What is your passion?

What cause do you want to fight for?

What do people know you for? 

Maybe you’re an advocate for equal rights, passionate about environmental conservation, about kids or family welfare, or about quality fashion.

Or maybe you have a unique skill that you want to share with the world.

Your passion is what sets you apart and gives your life meaning beyond just chasing success.

With this passion, you will not only achieve success for yourself but also make a positive impact on the world around you.


6. You’re willing to take risks

Success doesn’t come easy, it requires taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone.

Are you someone who is willing to take calculated risks in pursuit of your goals?

Do you see challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles?

If yes, then you have a key ingredient for success.

Taking risks means being open to new possibilities, learning from failures, and constantly pushing yourself to grow and improve.

It’s not about being reckless but about being courageous and having faith in yourself and your abilities.


7. Visualize your success

To visualize means to see something in your mind’s eye.

I do this a lot!

Each day, I take some time to visualize my success.

Make this a habit as well.

This could be anything from getting a promotion at work, achieving a personal goal, or simply living your dream life.

Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you stay focused and motivated on your journey toward success.

When you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, you are more likely to take the necessary actions to make it happen.

Visualize yourself already successful and let that feeling of accomplishment drive you towards making it a reality.


8. You have discovered your gifts and talents

One sweet truth about life is that one of the major things you need to be a success is inside of you.

It’s inborn, innate.

All you have to do is discover it.


Another interesting thing is that discovering and developing your talent(s) makes success sweet and possible.

What is difficult for others will not be difficult for you as long as you have the talent.

It’ll be as natural as air to you.

Although you need to hone it to become skilful at it because talent is never enough.

But you’ll enjoy doing it.

And that’s the most important thing.

Whatever you do to be a success should be something that brings you joy and fulfillment.


9. You admire successful women

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Greatness begets greatness.

If you admire successful people, then you’ll be a badass successful woman.

When I see women who beef other successful women, I know they can’t go far.

You cannot become what you don’t appreciate.

I love successful women.

I admire them.

They prove to me that I can also do it.

They serve as inspiration and motivation for me to work harder and achieve my own success.

Their success is a reminder that anything is possible with determination, hard work, and perseverance.

I look up to these women who have broken barriers and shattered glass ceilings.

They have shown the world that gender does not determine one’s capabilities or potential for success.

Their achievements are a testament to their strength, resilience, and unwavering belief in themselves.


10. You are ready to learn from successful women

You don’t only admire successful women; you learn from them.


By listening to them and reading their books.

The internet and online bookstores are agog with unlimited resources from successful women.

If you spend more time gossiping and beefing with successful women instead of listening to their podcasts or reading their books, you can’t be a badass, successful woman. 

Learn from their experiences, mistakes, and triumphs.

Take their advice and apply it to your own life.

Be open-minded and willing to learn new things.

But also remember that every woman’s journey is unique.

You don’t have to follow the exact same path as someone else to be successful.

Use their wisdom as a guide, but always trust your God and your intuition and pave your own way toward success.


11. You don’t joke with personal development

You understand that you can’t achieve a different result by being the same person; thus, you constantly improve on yourself.

You take courses and classes and practice hard in order to be good at what you do. 

You read books that inspire you to be better and challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone.

You know that personal development is a lifelong journey, and you embrace it with open arms.

You can’t help but become a successful woman with this attitude!


12. You choose your friends carefully 

Friends can either make or mar you.

You will be a badass, successful woman if you don’t make friends with those who can ruin your efforts at being one. 

You surround yourself with people who inspire, motivate, and uplift you. 

You build a strong support system of positive individuals who push you to be the best version of yourself.

You understand that your circle influences your mindset and actions, so you make sure to keep it full of driven and ambitious individuals. 

With this kind of environment, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.


13. You prioritize self-care

You can’t achieve your goals if you neglect your well-being.  

You make sure to take care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

This means getting enough rest, eating nourishing food, exercising regularly, and practicing self-care activities that bring you joy. 

You understand the importance of a healthy mind and body in achieving success, so you make it a priority.


If you do these twelve things, you’ll be unstoppable.

Nothing will stop you from being the person you desire to be.




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Tuesday 24th of November 2020

Thanks for the key points one needs to watch out for like d SMART principle .

Sewela Puzi

Friday 5th of March 2021

Thanks very much


Tuesday 24th of November 2020

Thanks for reading!

Akinkuowo Victoria

Monday 14th of September 2020

I'm gonna be successful!

Patrina Hodges

Saturday 29th of February 2020

Excellent message Thanks


Sunday 1st of March 2020

Thank you! Thanks for reading.