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Tips for Flat Tummy after Pregnancy : Real Moms Share

Tips for Flat Tummy after Pregnancy : Real Moms Share

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Giving life to another human being is such an awesome job, so serious a job; it could make you kiss your banging body goodbye.

While some women are lucky enough to have bodies that do not retain any effect of pregnancy, some of us aren’t that fortunate as pregnancy does a number on our bodies.

The body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy and one of these changes is stretching of the belly skin as the baby grows, which could eventually leave a woman with loose belly skin/belly pouch after delivery.

While you can get a lot of information on tips for flat tummy after pregnancy or how to get rid of loose belly after pregnancy on Google, nothing beats the information you get from real women who have gone through the same challenge you are faced with.

That is why I asked real moms if pregnancy left them with loose skin and what they did to get rid of loose belly skin after pregnancy and tips for flat tummy after pregnancy.

I wish I’d done this survey before I had my first baby; it’d have saved me some headaches. But I’m wiser now, and I’ll do better next time.

Did pregnancy leave you with loose belly skin/belly pouch? How did you get rid of it?

Read their responses below:

  1. “Pregnancy left me with loose belly skin and it only got a bit better as I lost weight. Maybe using a belly band for some time also helped, but it never totally disappeared.” Tiwalade

2. “Pregnancy left me with a loose belly skin, but tummy is almost firm now. I’m still working on it. The loose skin needs a daily massage, then proper nutrition to help restore skin elasticity.
There are also special but boring exercises for that.
Each individual needs to determine the level of their abdominal separation before venturing into any hard-core tummy exercises.
I’m still recovering. The exercises are boring; I don’t know when I’ll be serious with them.” Janefrances

3. “With permission from my gynae, my mom massaged/pressed by big tummy with hot water postpartum. Then I tied too. I used a tummy binder, the adjustable one.
I am a Cesarean mom, though. I was able to do all that because the cut was below my bikini line.
Tummy went down in the first two postpartum months.
But I’ve always been slim. Never had a noticeable tummy pre-pregnancy and I didn’t gain so much weight during pregnancy.” – Olamide

4. “Lose belly pouch and it never completely disappears.
It is my beauty pouch.” Doris

5. “I had my tummy right back without a single stretch mark or extra flesh. I was told to use Pregnancy stretch mark cream on my belly immediately I conceived and I did till after I put to bed.
And after delivery, my mother-in-law law tied a folded wrapper round my belly and tied it at the back; I was able to wear it under my clothes daily.
I had 3 Cesarean sections, so no hot towel therapy on my stomach. I guess that folded wrapper could be taken as girdle/hot belly bands been sold now.
From the 8th day, once I was on my feet, she asked me to dress smart. Few days postpartum, I would be in jeans skirt and top with the folded wrapper on my belly. I was big with pregnancy and my first child weighed 4.5 kg so I didn’t expect to get my tummy right back but mother-in-law’s advice worked.” Halle

6. “Pregnancy left me with loose belly skin.
After I had my first baby, I was so obsessed with getting back into shape that I started jogging from 3rd month after birth and doing sit-ups.
By the time my son was 7 months; my tummy had gotten back to 90% pre-pregnancy shape. The only pointer to me having a child was my breast because I breastfed him till 11 months. So in summary, tummy exercises helped me.” Kemi

7. “I have 4 girls and it was only the last that left a minimal effect.
Now, we must realize that our bodies react differently to our intake. There are no laid rules but the below work for me:
1. I don’t drink anything but WATER.
2. On a hot sunny day, I drink cold water, but with food, it has to be room temperature or warm.
3. Oil the tummy as it becomes itchy when stretching
4. Snack on fruits and if you must eat, eat, eat…lots of proteins.
5. I have never tried tying my belly but I suck in my tummy and take long walks.
Like I said, nothing is cast on stone. Just find what works for you.”- Mobo

8. “Everything snapped back after the first, but I got kids after 30 and my body didn’t snap back after that! I still have a girth I do not like. Well, l am almost 6ft tall, so I am not a little lady.” Timipre

9. “If you see my tummy, you will never believe I’ve had a baby.
When I gave birth newly, the tummy region was very dark. But Shea butter did it for me. After a bath, I rubbed it on my belly. In fact, I used it like 4 times daily, and before I knew it, my tummy colour returned to normal.
I was told scratching would make my belly loose after childbirth with a lot of stretch marks. I didn’t want that. So each time my tummy felt itchy, I applied Shea butter and I felt relieved. These stuff really helped. No sign of childbearing whatsoever.” Damilola

10. “Pregnancy did not leave me with a loose belly! You wouldn’t know I put to bed a day after delivery and I don’t particularly work on my belly after three kids. I think genetics play a part. I and four sisters don’t particularly have a big belly after pregnancy.” Hope

11.”Being preggos did a number on my belly, although to be fair, I haven’t particularly worked on getting back into shape after delivery. Maybe now that I’m done and dusted, I’d have to begin to make some kind of effort.” Vera

12. “Immediately after delivery, my mom made me tie my tummy with folded thick wrapper, sometimes with a stainless flat plate on my tummy before tying the wrapper.
I only took the makeshift girdle off to bath or when I wanted to eat.
I did it for all my kids(4) all teens now and people tell me my tummy looks perfect.
Needless to say, I can wear a fitted dress without any bump sticking out. No stretch marks either but I attribute that to just being blessed with good skin.
To achieve perfect results, one should start working on the tummy immediately you’re on your feet after delivery and after getting a go-ahead from your doctor.” Bassey

13. “Some women have naturally flat tummy which snaps back right after birth while some others have to work on it.
For stretch marks, there are so many topical creams but I don’t know if they work, I’ve never tried them.
My mom swore by massaging the belly with hot water postpartum. She tried it once on me. It took all the strength in me to push her away with a warning to never try it. I never did again except that one time.
Some tribes have special postpartum soups eaten for this purpose.
Exercising a few months after birth helps especially sit-ups.
Wearing of girdles and tummy belts helped me. I had different types and they worked for me, reducing belly pouch and loose belly skin.
It wasn’t easy at all but I endured because my mom insisted I wear it from morning till night and even to sleep if possible.” Nemo

14. “I had a very big tummy when I was pregnant. My tummy is still big but I have started planking as recommended by a friend and I’m seeing a difference already.” – Purpose
15. ”Having three kids didn’t really affect my tummy, it’s just a little big, not pouchy or saggy and the stretch marks I acquired during pregnancy is almost gone……almost like I’ve not had kids.” Zainab
16. ”None of the above. No stretch marks either and I didn’t do anything. Just body type I guess. The only thing is my scar.” Olaide
17. ”Even after baby 2, there’s no belly sagging/pouch. I had no special treatment. I think individual difference is a factor.” Titi

In summary, the following can help you to prevent and get rid of loose belly skin/belly pouch caused by pregnancy:
applying Shea butter during and after pregnancy
applying Pregnancy stretch marks cream during and after pregnancy
exercises especially tummy exercises
living a healthy lifestyle including a healthy diet, drinking water, cutting down soda etc.
wearing postpartum girdles and belly wraps
not giving up!

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