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Mabel's Blog

Sleeping with a guy doesn’t always mean he’ll respect you. In fact, sometimes, it seems like the opposite is true – that sleeping with a guy will make him think you’re easy and not worth his time. Maybe he started acting like he owned you, or he just wasn’t interested in anything beyond s*x. Whatever …

Read More about How To get a Guy to Respect You After Sleeping With Him

When you first sleep with a guy, there’s always that feeling of uncertainty in the back of your mind. Perhaps you’re casually dating someone and things are going well until one night you sleep with them and they disappear the next day. So, what do you do when you think the guy you slept with …

Read More about 11 Unfortunate Signs He Regrets Sleeping With You

When it comes to relationships, there’s no one right way to do things. But if you’re looking for how to take things slow in a relationship, and avoid getting too serious too fast, this is the post for you. There’s a lot of pressure to move quickly in today’s society. If you’re not married by …

Read More about How To Take Things Slow in a Relationship Without Ruining It

If you’re single, there’s a good chance you’ve encountered your fair share of lazy guys. But how can you tell if he just has a relaxed personality or if he’s actually just plain lazy? Here are some signs that he might be too comfortable with taking the easy way out. Read on to spot the …

Read More about 29 Obvious Signs He is Lazy: Don’t Snooze!

”Should I be worried if my boyfriend has too many female friends?” Do you have a boyfriend with a lot of female friends? If so, you’re probably wondering what that means for your relationship. Is he cheating on you? Or is he just really friendly with women? In this post, we’ll help you decode the …

Read More about My Boyfriend Has Too Many Female Friends: Should I Be Worried?

”Help! My boyfriend has no life outside of me!” Are you in a relationship where your partner seems to have no life outside of you? Does he always want to be around you and spend all his time with you? He doesn’t have any other interests or friends. You may be beginning to wonder if …

Read More about ”My Boyfriend Has No Life Outside of Me”: How To Deal With Being Suffocated by Him