Breakups are hard. Breakups are difficult. They are painful and can leave you feeling shattered. But there’s good news: they can be good for you. They are opportunities for growth. You can use your breakup as a motivation to glow up in ways you cannot imagine. Here are some ways you can take advantage of …
Mabel's Blog
You have a strong desire for companionship through marriage and are burning with passion, so you are sure that God hasn’t given you the gift of singleness. You know there are some people God wants to remain single forever, but you are not one of them. If you know God wants you to be married …
Conflicts are normal in a relationship, but how we handle them is what matters. When you’re in the middle of an argument, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that you’re dealing with someone who has feelings. And because we all have the capacity to hurt one another, it’s not unusual for …
Being single has many benefits, but it can also be a lonely place. I mean, single people have a lot of perks. They can go out whenever they want, travel around the world, and not have to worry about anyone else’s schedule. If you’re searching for a spouse but don’t seem to be finding anyone, …
Just as there are signs that God doesn’t want you to be with someone, there are signs that show He does want you to pursue a relationship with someone. The choice of a life partner is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make, so it’s important to look for signs from God that this …
For both parties involved, breakups are always tough. You experience different waves of emotions at each turn you make. Most times, no one is completely sure they did the right thing by breaking up. For some people, this doubt grows as time goes by, and they begin to regret why they broke up with their …
It is painful enough to go through a breakup. Your ex may show up and want to squeeze their way back into your life just when you have survived the heartbreak. And then your heart goes tumbling and shattering when you discover that they came back just to sleep with you. Are there signs your …