Have you ever been in a relationship with someone and felt like they were using you? Like they didn’t care about you and only wanted what they could get from you? If so, then you may have been involved with a narcissist. Narcissists are often very good at manipulating people and can make us feel …
Mabel's Blog
It’s better to know the signs he is forcing himself to love you than stay with him forever and realize later that he never loved you. Every woman wants a man who loves her for real and is sure she’s who he wants, not a man forcing himself to love her. The term “forcing himself” …
How dating a narcissist changes you? DATING A NARCISSIST CHANGES YOU! And it’s not for the better. If you’ve ever dated a narcissist, you know how hard it can be to deal with their self-absorption and attention-seeking behavior—and how much it can affect your self-esteem. Narcissists are always looking for validation and praise, so they …
It’s not unusual for a marriage to become stale after years of being together. So when you meet someone who makes us feel alive and happy again after years of being married, you may feel that you have found your soulmate, and you don’t want to give that up. Ending affairs when you are in …
How to give a guy your number without looking desperate? Giving out your phone number is a big deal. It’s the first step in getting to know someone and moving things forward. But it can also be scary because it means putting yourself out there, and sometimes you’ll get rejected. First, let’s look at what …
”Help! My husband never does anything special for me!” You are a wife and mother, so you’re busy. You work, you cook, and you clean. You take care of your children, your husband, and yourself. You do all these things because you love them and want them to be happy. But sometimes, it feels like …
”My husband yells at me!” According to research, ”newlyweds who yell or call each other names have a higher chance of getting divorced.” Husbands yelling at their wives might be a common occurrence in marriages, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay. As an introvert who loves her space and some quiet, I can’t stand my …