Eyes are the windows to the soul, they say. Eye contact is very important, especially in relationships between men and women. It’s often seen as a way to connect and show interest, but what about when a man avoids eye contact with a woman? As much as we think of men as complicated creatures, sometimes …
Mabel's Blog
If you want a serious relationship, then you surely want a guy who sees you for more than just your body. You want a guy who will be your best friend, your partner in crime, and your confidante. But you’ve not been getting that, I guess? You’ve only been meeting guys who act like your …
I almost choked on my laughter when I saw the video above on Instagram. Credits: @britty_paige Apparently, there’s something about grey sweatpants because virtually all the women in the comment section agreed with the poster. Okay, I must confess I can relate too. Hahaha! So, what is it about grey sweatpants on men that …
Okay, so what does it mean to be dickmatized? Simply put, it’s when a woman becomes so infatuated with her partner’s sexual prowess that she loses sight of everything else in the relationship. It’s like being under a spell; you can’t see any flaws and are willing to endure emotional pain just for a taste …
Disclaimer: This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp. Families often go through a variety of challenges together, whether it’s dealing with financial issues, coping with a divorce, or moving across the country to a new city. While many families have the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to get through these difficulties together, …
Disclaimer: Presented by BetterHelp While everyone faces individual challenges in life, being part of a family unit often means going through problems that concern the entire group. While issues in families are common, it can be difficult to heal and move forward if no one wants to talk and work through the concerns. In these …
Even in societies and cultures that support a man marrying more than one woman, no woman wants her husband to be romantically involved with someone else. Yeahnnn ”Sharing is caring,” they say, but not when it comes to your spouse. As generous as I can be, I’m not generous enough to share my husband with …