If your first reaction to this topic is “Sacrilege! A priest shouldn’t be attracted to another woman”, you may need to pause and take a deep breath first because there will be some shocking revelations in this article. Priests spend a lifetime talking about love professionally. Ironic, right? They speak endlessly about the love of …
Love & Relationships
It gives me joy that at least one person on the Internet is interested in reading information about guys who are husband material because it almost seems as though the attention is always on the woman. Your reading this proves that you want to know what category of guys should be kicked out of the …
I would like to start with a confession; “I am guilty of doing this too.” Sometimes, I will text a friend I am supposed to have a date with and subtly imply how stressed I am before asking if we are still on for the date. Don’t judge me; I am usually stressed, and my …
When a man goes silent after a date, it can be the worst thing ever for you, especially if you are really into him already. You may try to deny it as much as possible, but it can be very confusing. You may find yourself repeatedly reviewing the details of your last date, trying to …
In Nigeria, when a woman is referred to as a “wife material” it implies that she possesses qualities that make her a potential good wife. The term “wife material” is widely used worldwide but originated from and is more commonly used in regions around Africa and Nigeria, to be specific. I come from Nigeria, so …
I recently read “A Journal for Jordan” by Dana Canedy, which revolves around military romance and the challenges of being in love with a military man. Basically, it is a memoir the author compiled for their son so he could have a deeper understanding of the father he lost before he could form lasting memories. …
Writing about whether or not to visit a guy in his house reminds me of this story I read on Reddit. So, this girl meets a guy on a dating site, and he invites her to his because he wants to cook for her. She’s apprehensive, but she goes to see him anyway. He makes …