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How To Let Go of Someone Who Doesn’t Want You

How To Let Go of Someone Who Doesn’t Want You

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How to let go of someone who doesn’t want you…

You meet someone, you hit it off, and then, for whatever reason, they just stop responding to your texts.

Or maybe you’ve been dating for a while, and things seem to be going great until suddenly, they start pulling away, and you’re left feeling confused and heartbroken.

It’s hard to let go of someone who doesn’t want you.

It’s even harder when you’re invested in the relationship and want it to work.

The worst part about loving someone who doesn’t love you back is that there’s nothing you can do about it.

And that’s why it’s so painful: You have no control over the situation.

The only thing you can control is your feelings, so here are tips on how to let go of someone who doesn’t want you:

How to Let Go of Someone Who Doesn’t Want You

1. Don’t take it personally

This is easier said than done, but know that just because someone doesn’t want to be with you doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.

Instead of taking it personally, get some perspective on the situation and realize that the other person may have different interests or priorities or simply not be ready for a relationship at this point in their life.


2. Accept that it’s over

How To Let Go of Someone Who Doesn't Want You

It’s hard to accept that something you wanted so badly didn’t work out, but realize that not every relationship is meant to be.

Sometimes people are incompatible, and no matter how much you want it to work, it won’t.

So if someone doesn’t want you, you can’t do anything about it.

No amount of pleading or begging will make any difference, so accept that fact and move on with your life instead of trying to convince them otherwise.


3. Give yourself time to grieve

How To Let Go of Someone Who Doesn't Want You

It’s normal to feel sad or even angry when someone rejects you.

Give yourself time to process your emotions and heal before moving on.

Cry if you need to, punch a pillow if you need to, but don’t dwell on what could have been.

Instead, focus on what’s next for you and how you can make the best of the situation.


4. Don’t try to be friends

Trying to stay friends with someone who doesn’t want you is tempting, but it’s usually not a good idea.

You’re likely to get hurt again, so it’s best to cut ties and move on.

Staying friends will make things awkward and harder for you to move on.


5. Keep yourself busy

How To Let Go of Someone Who Doesn't Want You

One of the best ways to get over someone is to keep yourself busy and occupied.

If you have free time, you’ll only think about the person you’re trying to forget, so find ways to keep yourself distracted.

Hang out with friends, take up a new hobby, return to school, join a gym, start a new course, seek new adventures, etc.

Do anything that will take your mind off the person you’re trying to forget.


6. Focus on the positive

It’s easy to dwell on what went wrong in a relationship and what you did to contribute to its demise.

But instead of dwelling on the negative, try to focus on the positive things about yourself and the situation.

For example, maybe this rejection would allow you to meet someone new who is a better match for you.

Or maybe it’s made you realize that you’re better off without a partner now and that you need to focus on yourself.

Whatever the case may be, try to see the silver lining in the situation and use it as an opportunity to grow and learn.


7. Take away their power

The more you obsess over someone who doesn’t want you, the more power they have over you.

You’re giving them control if you keep calling, texting, or emailing them.

So instead of letting them have that power, take it back and cut off all communication.

Tell yourself that you’re done trying and that you deserve better.

Take away their power by focusing on yourself and your happiness.

Do things that make you happy and make you feel good about yourself.

Remember that you don’t need someone else’s approval to be happy and that you’re the only one who can control your happiness.


8. Let go of the fantasy

How To Let Go of Someone Who Doesn't Want You

One of the hardest things to do when someone doesn’t want you is to let go of the fantasy.

We all have a tendency to idealize people and relationships, but when someone doesn’t want you, it’s important to snap back to reality.

This person is not your soulmate, and this relationship is not meant to be.

It’s painful, but it’s important to let go of the fantasy and accept reality.


9. Reach out to your friends and family for support

When you’re going through a tough time, it’s important to lean on your friends and family for support.

They can provide you with the love and encouragement you need to get through this difficult time.

So don’t be afraid to reach out to them and let them know what you’re going through.


10. Get professional help if you need it

If you’re struggling to get over someone who doesn’t want you, it might be a good idea to seek professional help.

A therapist can help you work through your emotions and give you the tools you need to move on.

If you don’t feel like therapy is right for you, consider talking to another trusted person.

Rejection hurts; there’s no doubt about it.

However, letting go doesn’t mean forgetting about the person or pretending they don’t exist.

It just means accepting that they have made their choice and you are moving on with your life as best as possible.

Letting go is better than holding onto something that has already ended, especially if they don’t feel the same way about you anymore.

If you struggle to let go of someone who doesn’t want you, try following these tips and give yourself some time to heal.



Holding on to someone who doesn’t want you

This is only going to hurt you more in the long run. It’s important to let go and move on.

What if they come back?

If they come back, then great.

But if they don’t, you need to be okay with that too.

How do I know when it’s time to let go?

Only you can answer this question.

Trust your gut and listen to your heart.

What if I can’t let go?

If you’re finding it difficult to let go, it might be a good idea to seek professional help.

A therapist can assist you in working through your emotions and helping you move on.


How To Let Go of Someone Who Doesn't Want You

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