Keeping a conversation going over text, especially with a guy, requires a level of skill. You want to keep the conversation going, but you don’t want to seem like you’re trying too hard or coming on too strong. So how do you find the balance? Here are some tips on how to keep a conversation …
What are the stages of divorce grief? Divorce is a major life event, and it’s not unusual to feel sad and upset after the divorce papers are signed. The emotional upheaval that comes with divorce can leave you feeling exhausted and disoriented. Like any other significant loss, divorce brings a unique type of grief. The …
Are you suspecting signs he is getting bored with you? There are a lot of awesome benefits attached to being in a long-term relationship. You have the assurance that you’re with someone who always has your back and cares deeply about you. In addition, you have a gist buddy and a hangout partner in them. …
When does divorce regret set in? Divorce regret is real, and it’s one of the biggest reasons people don’t end their marriages. Divorce regret happens when you realize that you made a mistake, but now it’s too late to fix it. You can’t go back and make things right, so all you can do is …
If you want to know how to make him want you, sometimes the best thing you can do is pull away. That doesn’t mean disappearing off the face of the earth or ignoring his texts (although it might mean taking a little longer to respond). It means giving him space to miss you and creating …
”I love my wife but not sexually attracted to her!” Realizing that you are no longer attracted to your wife sexually is a difficult realization to accept. Maybe it’s been gradual, or it hit you like a ton of bricks. You may feel like you’re betraying her or that there’s something wrong with you. But …
”My husband never takes pictures of me!” Ah! This used to be me. Whenever I asked my husband to take a picture of me, he would frown and mumble his discontent and says I’m never satisfied with whatever pictures he takes of me. I get angry and tell him not to worry. Hehehe! But now, …