You want to know if your man is emotionally available. Does he love you? Is he the one? Can you see a serious future with him? You’ve looked for signs of an emotionally unavailable man in every way, shape, and form because you feel like something isn’t right deep inside. Maybe it is how he …
”He still loves his ex but likes me.” It can be confusing and frustrating if you’re in a relationship with a man who still loves his ex but also likes you. You may wonder what it means and whether or not things can work out between the two of you. No one likes playing second …
How do you know the early signs of a controlling man? It’s not always easy to spot a controlling man because they don’t always let their true colors show right away. You may not even recognize that you are dealing with a man who is a controller. Controlling men are usually well-liked — and even …
Let’s face it; not every guy has the gift of the gab. Whether you’re shy or just bad with words, it can be difficult to know how to make any girl fall for you. Because there is a certain amount of art involved in dating, and there is a science to it. That science can …
If you are looking for signs he loves his ex more than you; your suspicions may be true. It’s normal for your boyfriend to have an ex-girlfriend. But when it comes to you and him, a relationship is about two people, not three. If he seems distracted or distant, it could be because he’s thinking …
You’re about to turn a year older, and you wonder if your boyfriend will propose on your birthday. Birthday proposals have become the in thing now, so it’s not out of place to look for signs he is going to propose on your birthday. Of course, the most obvious signs of a proposal are the …
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re looking for how to make your ex miss you. Maybe you’re trying to get back together with them, or you just want to be missed because it makes you feel good. You’ll read eight tips on making your ex miss you so that they’ll come crawling back to …