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As humans, we form and maintain habits even without us knowing. Habits are actions we perform regularly, so regularly that we even do them without thinking about them because they’ve become part of us. For instance, eating. We put food in our mouth without thinking about it because we’ve always put foods in the mouth …

Read More about The Best and Only Way to Form and Maintain Habits for Self Personal Development

Do we really need to pray? Does God need our prayers to work? Prayer, which is one of the pillars of Christianity, is simply the art and act of communication with God. Prayer is a dialogue, that means, it’s a conversation, not a one-way thing or a monologue. What is the implication of this? It …

Read More about Do We Really Need to Pray?

Have you ever wondered why good girls get hurt the most in relationships? Have you wondered why nice girls always end up with guys that treat them badly? Have you asked yourself why the good ones are usually unlucky with love?   I’ve wondered the same too, and these are the reasons I’ve come up …

Read More about Why Good Girls Get Hurt the Most in Relationships

To be honest, first trimester has to be the most distressing period I’ve ever had to deal with in my life. Of course, I’ve dealt with some distressing things in life, but dealing with first trimester pregnancy sickness tops them all. Is it the nausea, vomiting, extreme fatigue, excessive salivating, loss of appetite, sensitivity to …

Read More about 5 Weird Things I Did in First Trimester

Love is beautiful. No matter how civilized we become, we can never be too civilized not to fall in love. Because humans are social beings. We are made to love and to be loved. We are created for intimacy. Love stories can never go into extinction. We never get tired of hearing them. While falling …

Read More about Two Things Ladies Do in a Relationship that They Later Regret Terribly