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My Struggle With Timidity ‘’No matter how brilliant, intelligent or talented you are, if you are too timid, you will miss out on many opportunities that could better your life. The floor belongs to the bold.’’   I wrote the above on my Facebook status last year, and it garnered hundreds of reactions and comments …

Read More about How to Overcome Timidity and Be More Confident

Not everyone will marry their first love because not every first relationship will lead to marriage. Some of us will have to kiss some frogs before meeting our prince charming. The earlier you understand that not every relationship will last forever, the better you’ll be able to handle breakups. But the truth still remains that …

Read More about 7 Things Never to Say to a Woman Going Through a Breakup

Habits make up the routines that determine how we spend our time; and time, of course, is life. Our life is measured by time – from the seemingly insignificant second to the quite noticeable minute, and the obvious hour. Just know that as time is ticking, so also life is going. What and how you …

Read More about 8 Ways You Are Wasting Your Life Without Knowing it

Except it’s by choice and agreement, no lady wants to be in a ‘methuselah‘ relationship. That is, a long term relationship with no marriage in sight. Everything that has a beginning is usually expected to have an end. A relationship is just like a journey starting with love and with marriage as the destination. So you’ve …

Read More about The Very Reason He Hasn’t Proposed