Before I got married, I’d always wanted to have a boy first because my parents had three girls. I wanted to know how it felt to have a boy in the house. Then, my big sister got married and had two boys! I have two cute nephews. So, my desire for a baby boy kind …
I met hubby a few years ago through a female mutual friend in our third year in Uni. I had absolutely no idea he was using her to get close to me. I always sat with my friend in class, and hubby would come to talk to her and use the opportunity to say hello …
Valentine’s Day 2020 is fast approaching and many couples are most likely thinking of what to do to celebrate. I mean, the day cannot pass by without you and your lover doing nothing in particular. As the day progresses, we are bound to see “woke” people whip up their motivational speeches about how they celebrate …
There have been controversies on the appropriateness of taking a relationship to the social media. By relationship, I mean a romantic one that is yet to culminate into marriage. While some are of the opinion that excitement shouldn’t make you announce things prematurely, others opine that no one should be inhibited from expressing themselves by …
Women have erroneously been regarded as the emotional of the two sexes while men have been considered logical. Although this dichotomy is largely defined by society and not nature because both men and women can be emotional or logical, we can’t deny these stereotypes have their basis. However, the problem is not so much being …
At the risk of sounding boastful, errrm, I’ve never been heartbroken. Don’t get me wrong. Have I cried because of love? Sure. It’s very normal for lovers to hurt each other in a relationship. As a matter of fact, you’re more likely to be hurt by someone you love than a stranger because of the …
The dream of every blogger is to have people read your content from start to finish and even visit some other pages. Increase in sessions>increase in page views> increase in income. Yas! However, there are some mistakes some bloggers make that make people exit their blogs without consuming their content. This is a big issue. …