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9 Things Your Husband Does When He’s No Longer In Love With You

9 Things Your Husband Does When He’s No Longer In Love With You

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Saying goodbye is not the hardest part of losing someone. 

The hardest part is coming to terms with the fact that they’re long gone from you, even if they’re standing right next to you. 

This is the point where you look back at all that you shared with this person—the love, joy, laughter, warmth, and conversations. 

It hits you that they’re only memories now, and you start going through the fresh throes of agony all over again. 

No, it’s not in your head. 

It’s really happening because your husband is no longer in love with you, and you noticed the signs a little too late. 

You can avoid the scenario above and prevent it from being your reality, if you can spot the things your husband does when he’s no longer in love with you and recognize them early enough. 

Perhaps then, you can make a move to get him to fall in love with you again and save your marriage. 

Or you can also make peace with the fact that he’s gone for good and prepare your mind for a new phase in your life. 

Whichever way the story will go, you still need to be aware of the things your husband does when he’s no longer in love with you. 

That way, you’ll know the next step to take in the marriage. 

Let’s get right to the topic of discourse. 

9 Things Your Husband Does When He’s No Longer In Love With You 

1. Stops trying to maintain your relationship

Things your husband does when he's no longer in love with you

When a man stops trying to maintain the relationship, it’s a sign that he’s no longer in love with his wife. 

The success of every marriage depends on teamwork. 

Like they say, ‘It takes two to tango’. 

If you’re the only one who is making plans and putting things in place to keep the fire of love burning in the marriage, your husband probably doesn’t love you anymore. 

For instance, you might make plans and arrangements for date nights, going to the movies, or other activities that encourage bonding between couples. 

Note that it’s already a one-sided thing, as he never makes this sort of arrangement. 

He makes it worse by canceling at the last minute or not showing up at all. 

It’s quite simple. 

He’s not interested in keeping the spark alive in the marriage because he’s no longer in love with you.  

2. Starts demanding for personal space a lot 

Things your husband does when he's no longer in love with you

One of the things your husband does when he’s no longer in love with you is demanding personal space a lot. 

I’m aware of the fact that everyone needs some space to themselves from time to time. 

But you’ll find that recently, your husband has been asking for space too frequently. 

You’ll also notice that when he takes time alone, it stretches unusually long before he gets back. 

You might be attributing this recent development to pressure from work, but it might not be the case. 

He might just be avoiding you, and the most effective way for him to get away from you is by hiding in alone time. 

3. He takes you for granted

Things your husband does when he's no longer in love with you

One of the worst feelings in any relationship is feeling taken for granted. 

You’ll feel way worse if the person who is making you feel that way is your significant other. 

He doesn’t appreciate your input and contributions at home and waves them off as mere occurrences. 

He can also care less about your opinion and not ask for your thoughts on certain issues. 

Even when you offer him unsolicited advice, he waves you off on the grounds that you have nothing reasonable to say. 

Trust me, no man in his right senses will ever make the woman he loves feel even an inch less of herself. 

Your husband probably no longer loves you, which explains why he’s acting that way toward you. 

4. Decrease in communication and spending time together

Things your husband does when he's no longer in love with you

Communication is one of the biggest keys to the success of every relationship. 

People who are in love with each other hardly joke when it comes to communicating with each other. 

In addition, they look forward to spending quality time together and talking about anything and everything. 

Love comes with the natural urge to be in touch with your partner and talk about everything with them. 

If you feel that the communication between you and your husband reduced drastically, and the quality time you both used to spend together is beginning to feel like a distant memory, it could be a sign that he’s no longer in love with you. 

5. He starts having an affair

Things your husband does when he's no longer in love with you

If your husband is no longer in love with you, one of the things he’ll probably do is to start having an affair. 

Now, there are various reasons why he might go into an affair. 

He might be looking for love from another woman who is not you. 

Or it could be that he’s having fun in the affair as a way of trying to escape his reality of being married to someone he no longer loves. 

There’s nothing right about cheating, and this blog does not support it in any way, but in this context, we have chosen to listen but not judge. 

He might be secret about the affair, or he might not even hide it from you. 

The bottom line is that your husband having an affair could be a possible indication of his loss of love for you.  

6. Starts having unrealistic expectations from you

Things your husband does when he's no longer in love with you

It’s natural for people who are in every type of relationship to have certain expectations from their partners. 

When you’re in love, your expectations will be understandable and realistic. 

However, when the love starts going down, the expectations start getting unrealistic and unreasonable. 

Most people use these unrealistic expectations as an excuse for their decreased love and affection for their spouse. 

It might be what’s playing out between you and your husband if he starts having unrealistic expectations from you. 

For instance, he demands a 50:50 ratio between both of you in terms of the financial contributions for the home. 

Meanwhile, you do all the chores, take care of the children alone, and, of course, bear children. 

His only contribution to the family will be his financial fifty percent. 

How ridiculous! 

He’s no longer in love with you and is hiding behind that expectation as his reason for falling out of love with you. 

7. Treats other people better than he treats you

Things your husband does when he's no longer in love with you

Does your husband treat other people better than he treats you? 

Like, he could just walk up to a random stranger who is trying to navigate an entirely new terrain and put them through so sweetly. 

However, if you’re doing something and ask him to lend you a helping hand when he’s obviously not busy, he’ll either ignore you or refuse outrightly to help you. 

No, it’s not in your head, and you’re not going crazy by just thinking about it. 

He simply cares less about you and your feelings, which is why he treats you less than he treats other people

Sadly, it is what it is. 

8. Is no longer affectionate towards you 

Things your husband does when he's no longer in love with you

Has your husband stopped being affectionate towards you in action and words? 

He probably doesn’t love you anymore. 

They say that action speaks louder than words. 

However, when it comes to love, the actions need to match the words for trust to be established. 

In your case, it might be worse. 

Both actions and words are missing, and you’re left without the affection of your significant other. 

He no longer tells you how he loves and cherishes you and is willing to do right by you. 

He also stops doing the little things that make you feel seen, valued, and loved. 

It’s because he’s no longer in love with you. 

Sad but true. 

9. Picks fights and arguments constantly

Things your husband does when he's no longer in love with you

Fights and arguments will definitely happen when two people from different backgrounds come together, but that doesn’t mean that they no longer love each other. 

They’ll fight or argue, iron things out, make up, and move on with their lives. 

Please note that in healthy relationships, these disagreements do not happen frequently but occasionally. 

However, when it starts becoming a regular occurrence in your marriage, and it seems like your husband is picking fights and arguments unnecessarily, it could be a message. 

It could be his subtle way of telling you that he’s no longer in love with you, and doesn’t need you in his life anymore. 

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