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10 Things Your Cheating Husband Doesn’t Want You To Know

10 Things Your Cheating Husband Doesn’t Want You To Know

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Cheating is one of the most devastating things that can happen to you as a woman.

It breaks trust, shatters hearts, and leaves you devastated and betrayed.

They say “ignorance is bliss,” but when it comes to infidelity, knowledge is power.

If you have been wondering what’s going on in your cheating husband’s head, here are things he doesn’t want you to know:

10 Things Your Cheating Husband Doesn’t Want You To Know

1. They are enjoying it

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When you’re enjoying something forbidden, you surely don’t want to brag about it.

Your husband knows that you would be hurt and angry if you found out about his infidelity, which is why he may go to great lengths to keep it a secret.

But the truth is, he’s likely enjoying the thrill of sneaking around and the excitement of being with someone new.

It’s not just physical pleasure but also the emotional rush that comes from doing something forbidden.

So, a cheating husband does not want you to know he is enjoying his affair with his mistress.

I mean, it’s bad enough that he’s betraying your trust, but to also be enjoying it?

That’s just salt in the wound.

No man would ever want his wife to know he had fun stepping on her.

2. They are drowning in guilt

While your cheating husband may seem happy and carefree on the outside, deep down, he knows what he’s doing is wrong.

If he’s not a psychopath, sociopath, narcissist, or a person with a personality disorder, he probably feels guilty about hurting you.

But instead of facing his guilt and dealing with it, he may try to push those feelings away and continue with his affair.

He doesn’t want to admit to himself or you that he’s doing something wrong because it would mean facing the truth and dealing with the consequences.

So, your cheating husband doesn’t want you to know how much guilt he’s carrying around.

3. They are afraid of losing you

most unattractive things women do in a relationship

Believe it or not, most cheating husbands don’t actually want to lose their wives.

They may be unhappy in the relationship for various reasons, but they still care about their partner and don’t want to lose them completely.

That’s why your husband may go to great lengths to hide his infidelity and try to keep the marriage intact.

He doesn’t want you to know how much he fears losing you because it would mean admitting that he made a mistake and potentially losing everything he has built with you.

That’s why most men never leave their wives for their mistresses, even though they may have strong feelings for them.

They know that the grass is not always greener on the other side, and they don’t want to lose their stable family life.

Is it easy to build a family?

No, love.

I’ve been married for over 7 years with two kids.

It’s no walk in the park.

There are a lot of emotions and factors at play, and your husband knows this.

So, he doesn’t want you to know how much he’s afraid of losing you.

But does this stop some men from cheating?

I wish.

Who doesn’t want to eat their cake and have it?

4. They are selfish

reasons your wife doesn't respect you

Cheating, at its core, is a selfish act.

Cheating is costly.

There’s so much at stake – your marriage, your family, your reputation, your children, etc,

But some men are willing to take that risk because at the end of the day, they want what they want, and they don’t care about the consequences.

They may try to justify it by saying things like “I deserve this” or “My needs aren’t being met at home,” yen yen yen.

But it all comes down to putting their desires above everything else.

Who says you aren’t tempted to cheat, too?

But you value the commitment and love in your marriage enough to prioritize your spouse’s happiness over your own.

Unfortunately, not all men share this mindset.

They prioritize self-gratification over their partner’s feelings and well-being, even at the expense of their family.

So, he doesn’t want you to know just how self-centered and self-serving he can be because who does that?

Who risks losing everything they have for a fling or some temporary pleasure if not a selfish person?

5. They have low self-esteem

People cheat for many reasons, one of which is low self-esteem.

Your husband may be using his affair as a way to boost his ego and feel desirable again.

But deep down, he may struggle with insecurities and doubts about himself that he doesn’t want you to know about.

It doesn’t matter if he’s an eye-candy or an accomplished professional; he may still have his doubts and fears.

So, your cheating husband doesn’t want you to know how low his self-esteem is.

6. They have a sense of entitlement

reasons men fall out of love

You may find it hard to believe, but some men truly believe they are entitled to have multiple partners.

They may see themselves as superior beings who deserve to be adored and worshipped by women.

Some think they work too hard and deserve a little extra on the side, while others may have grown up with a belief that men are allowed to cheat.

This sense of entitlement makes them blind to the pain they are causing and is often used as an excuse for their behavior.

So, your cheating husband doesn’t want you to know that he has such a sense of entitlement because, I mean, who would want to admit to such a terrible belief system?

7. Their phone is a box of proofs

In today’s world, technology has become an irreplaceable part of our everyday lives.

We use our phones for almost everything—communication, entertainment, and even as a tool for work.

Heck, I work on my phone most of the time. 

Phones have also made it easier for people to connect and form relationships with others.

Unfortunately, this same convenience has also made it easier for people to cheat in relationships.

And if your husband is one of those who have strayed from the commitment of marriage, his phone will likely be one of the main tools he uses to hide his infidelity.

And it’s a massive box of proof he doesn’t want you to break into.

Every conversation, every exchange with the other woman can be found in there.

From his social media to text messages and even media exchanges, he knows there will always be something that points to his cheating acts.

And this is why most cheating men protect their phones like their lives depend on it.

8. They are lying about you and your relationship to their affair partner

You think cheating men tell their affair partners  the truth about their marriages?

Think again.

They will feed them lies about you, your marriage, and your relationship in order to justify their actions.

They might even paint you as the villain, making themselves seem like the victim in this situation.

This is all part of the manipulative game they play to keep their affair going.

It doesn’t matter if you have been the best wife, you’ll be shocked to hear  the lies being told about you by your husband to his affair partner.

9. They have secret social media accounts

A smart cheating man knows better than to leave a trail of evidence on his public social media accounts.

That’s why they often create secret and hidden accounts to communicate with their affair partners.

They might also have secondary email addresses and phone numbers that you are not aware of.

And they never want you to be aware of. 

10. They know what they are doing is wrong

reasons men fall out of love

Your husband is an adult.

He knows that cheating is wrong and hurts the person he supposedly loves.

Cheating is not a mistake, no matter how we try to euphemize it.

It’s a deliberate choice to betray someone’s trust and disregard their feelings.

Your husband may try to minimize his actions or justify them with excuses if he’s ever caught, but deep down, he knows that what he’s doing is wrong.

He doesn’t want you to know this because it would mean facing the reality of his choices and how they have hurt you.

So it’s easier for him to continue hiding his infidelity than face the consequences of his choices.

These ten things and more are what a cheating husband doesn’t want you to know.

Because if you do, there’ll be ”a caught” and his secret will be out in the open.

I hope you never get to experience the betrayal and heartbreak of being cheated on.


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