For many people, summer is the best season for obvious reasons. The weather is not as cold and the days just look so bright and beautiful.
But it is easy to waste the summer if you don’t set goals to have achieved to make the most of the season.
Having said that, let’s check out these 25 best summer goals to give you a great and productive summer.
Summer Goals for Students

1. Internship
If you are a student, applying for an internship is a no-brainer, especially if you are looking for a summer goal as a high school student or college student.
This is the time to start planning for your future and trust me, you will thank your younger self in the future if you set summer internship goals and meet them now.
Whether you have decided on the career path to pursue or not, you can start by applying to a company in the field you want to pursue or try something new in an industry that interests you to see how you like it.
2. Read
Honestly, is there anything better than summer reading goals?
There is just so much you can learn within the four walls of a classroom. There are just so many topics in the world and your curriculum cannot cover it all.
Thankfully, you don’t have to actually buy books to read widely; you can research for a vast array of topics online for free to learn something new or something you might not learn in school.
Try not to concentrate on only fiction as well – even though that has its place, broaden your scope to different topics.
No knowledge is wasted.
3. Volunteer
Volunteer your skills or time with a non-profit or your local community centre or any institution where you can help put a smile on someone’s face.
Apart from the fact that doing something good makes you feel good about yourself and touches other people’s lives, it also looks good on your college application if you are applying to colleges.
4. Start a Business
You are probably wondering if I know what I am talking about because you are still a student.
But the world is growing fast right now and if business is something you want to do, you can start on a small scale now.
You don’t have to take a loan or break the bank to start a business, even with the internet at your disposal, you can start something now.
5. Get a Summer Job
What better way to spend the summer than to actually get a job?
Not only will it be an opportunity to earn a living; it is also a great way to learn and prepare for the future.
You will stand a better chance of getting a job or moving along in your career in the future when you already have experience.
Plus, it shows that you are responsible.
Summer Goals with Friends

6. Picnic
A picnic is great; whether indoor or outdoor.
But since it’s summer, you don’t want to waste the beautiful day inside. So an outdoor picnic will probably be a lot more fun.
You can go to your local park, the beach, lakeside or use your backyard.
7. Visit the Zoo or Amusement Park
You can visit a zoo or amusement park to have fun with the animals or secrete adrenaline from taking rides.
In fact, if you have more time, you can do both on the same day or split it since you have the whole of summer anyway.
8. Go On a Road Trip
Summer is a great time to visit other states within your country.
Going on a road trip alone is fun but imagine how much more fun it’d be when you travel with friends.
And really, you can never go wrong with travelling.
9. Play Games
There are so many games you can play with friends, both indoor and outdoor.
You can play indoor games like chess, scrabble, card games or outdoor games like basketball, bowling, tennis, football, baseball and the list goes on.
10. Learn Something
You can all decide to learn something by taking online classes to update your CV or enrolling for cooking, dance, drama, music or even crocheting class.
Productive Summer Goals
11. Read
Setting summer reading goals is practically one of the most productive things to do during the summer.
In fact, reading is great during any season but setting goals for it makes it easy to follow.
You can make a plan to read a certain number of books by the end of summer and commit to it.
12. Learn a Skill
You can also take the time out to learn a skill.
We all know that simply having a certificate does not cut it if you don’t have the appropriate skill to back it up.
So you should definitely consider learning or improving your skills during summer.
13. Declutter
This is a great time to rid your physical and mental space of all the clutter you had never gotten around to.
You have probably told yourself to do something about it but still putting it off.
It is time to get to it; decluttering gives you space to breathe and see clearly, both in your room and in your life.
14. Try Something New
Some of us are so comfortable in our comfort zone that we don’t bother trying something new.
Well, it’s time to do something from the usual.
You could take up a challenge by confronting your fears this summer.
It will teach you that most times, our fears are exaggerated in our head and it will make you more confident.
15. Have Fun with Friends and Family
Sounds simple but very productive.
Spending time with people we love and we know love us is great for our general well-being.
And I mean, you can only be truly productive if you are feeling great.
So, spend time with your loved ones, especially if you are on vacation and have the time.
Couple Summer Goals
16. Plan Your Future
Your future goals as a couple will depend on what stage you are right now.
If you are not yet married and want to get married, you can start having a conversation about that.
And if you are married, you can start a conversation about what’s next; children, planning towards their college funds, buying a new home, relocating for better opportunities.
As I said, it depends on where you are as a couple and what you want as a couple.
17. Plan a Summer Getaway
You have probably been busy all through and not really had a time where you get to be alone; talking and getting to know each other better.
You can take the opportunity to plan a summer getaway away from distraction.
It could be a resort or hotel in your city or you can travel for your getaway.
18. Travel Together
This looks similar to the point above but the difference is that when you take a trip together, you are planning to experience the destination.
But for a summer getaway, you stay in somewhere to be alone.
So, you could travel to a city/country you have never been to and learn about somewhere else.
19. Finish a TV Series Together
Is there a TV series that you both enjoy or have been looking forward to that just premiered? You could watch it whether you live together or not.
If you are already married and living together, cuddling up to watch the series together will be great.
But if you are not, you could schedule a time where you watch it together and have a conversation as you are watching or watch an episode any time you have the time, wait for the other to catch up and have a conversation before moving to the next episode.
20. Go On a Double Date
I always say that being around other couples is a good idea for couples because it brings you out of that bubble you find yourself in.
It will either make you appreciate each other more or show you what could be missing in your relationship that you need to work on.
Summer Fitness Goals
21. Stay Hydrated
Drink enough water!
And drink more water!
Staying hydrated is important all year round but it is much more necessary during summer because the weather is hot.
Your body needs more water during summer and you shouldn’t starve it of water.
22. Watch Your Diet
You could concentrate on your diet and make sure to eat healthy.
It is easy to fill your body with unhealthy food as you take trips and do these fun stuff.
But you can commit to feed on healthier snacks instead.
23. Exercise
Remember that it doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise; even a walk in the evenings when it is cooler is great.
If you want to achieve a summer fitness goal, it is necessary to exercise in one form or the other.
24. Rest
A lot of people do so much to achieve their summer body goals only to see that they are not yielding results and it could be because they are not resting.
Rest and adequate sleep will do you good and it will help you achieve your summer fitness goals faster.
25. Cultivate a Healthier Lifestyle
This is like the sum total of all the points above. But in this sense, it means being conscious to cultivate a better habit.
Maybe you don’t sleep adequately because you spend more time than necessary on social media, you can make a goal to cultivate a habit of spending less time on social media at night to sleep.
Yours might not be lack of sleep but it could be anything really that you know is affecting your fitness goals or your plan to live healthily.