Habits are the things you set out to do today that’ll determine the course of your life – to a great extent, in some months or years to come.
What habits would you like to create and impact your life in the short or long run?
When it comes to beginning positive life changes, a lot of people tend to be overwhelmed.
This is because there are very unpleasant and uncomfortable changes that will be gone through to achieve the needed goal.
New year, new habits, they say. It is just the beginning of a new year and if there’s anything you should desire to change about yourself, it should be some habits that are not beneficial to your life.
In doubt about the basic things, you should inculcate into your life to become better?
This list of gainful habits to engage in will help you be productive in some months or within a year. Enjoy the read.
10 Things That Can Change Your Life in One Year
1. Create a daily routine
It might sound like a simple thing to do, but having a personal daily routine could bring all the difference you need.
Create a routine for every part of your day – from beginning to the end of the day.
It helps you keep track of the events going on in your life and also keeps you focused on the important details of your life.
This way, you develop healthy habits and ensure that you crush your targets for each day.
You’ll agree with me that that’s a lot of achievement in one day.
2. Exercise regularly

The importance of exercise in our daily lives cannot be overemphasized.
Not only is it healthy in every aspect, but it also boosts your confidence and helps relieve all kinds of stress.
You’ll find that you’re more creative, confident, and stable when you exercise regularly.
3. Associating with the right people
As the saying goes, bad association corrupts good manners.
The kind of people you associate and surround yourself with affects you in a lot of ways and says so many things about you.
When you associate with the right people, you begin to do the right things and invariably, get positive results.
4. Begin to think positively
Do not neglect the power of positive thinking.
It is one of the most important habits to cultivate because, without it, you won’t go far with any of the other habits.
Learn to squash all negative thoughts that invade your mind and you’ll find yourself making conscious efforts to think positively.
When you focus on mastering this habit, it’ll be easy for you to pull others off.
5. Eliminate the unnecessary
The first step towards achieving this is by identifying the necessary things that you need.
After that, get rid of every other thing that doesn’t matter.
This leaves you with more room to focus on the important things. It always works whenever it is applied – your life is simplified and you have more time to focus on building a meaningful life.
6. Be focused on one goal
Focusing on one habit at a time is just as effective as focusing on a task at a time.
It is one of the most effective and powerful ways of getting things done because all your attention is invested in a place.
However, when you have more than one thing holding your attention, your energy and focus are divided.
This slows down the rate at which you achieve results. If you have several goals to achieve, pick them one after the other till they’re all achieved.
Although there are ongoing goals such as exercising which need to be executed daily, you need to turn those into daily habits.
When the habit is built into you, you can move on to the next achievable goal.
7. Avoid multitasking
This is similar to number 6 above. When you’re not multi-tasking, you’re getting more work done and you’re more effective at what you do.
It is very difficult to smash important goals when you’re shuttling between several goals.
When you don’t multi-task, your stress level is more managed and you tend to live a happier life.
8. Learn an in-demand skill

One of the best things to gift yourself is learning an in-demand skill.
Ranging from UX design, affiliate marketing to business analysis, and artificial intelligence, these are the trending skills for the year and many more years to come.
You’ll be doing yourself a huge favor when you add one or more of them to your portfolio.
Not only will you be adding value to yourself, but you’ll also be smiling to the bank, courtesy of it.
9. Avoid procrastination
Procrastination is a deadly killer of dreams that should be avoided at all costs.
Are there things that need immediate attention? Do them right away. Don’t think about them. Just do them. Take those decisions on time.
Whatever you have to do, do not procrastinate. You’ll be saving yourself from so much stress and regrets when you stay away from procrastination.
10. Reduce social media especially if it’s not bringing you money
This is a tricky topic that so many people might not agree with. But notwithstanding the opinions surrounding this, it is still a bitter pill we have to swallow.
If your social media presence doesn’t earn you pay, you need to cut down on your activities.
Focus on the things that bring you money.
Spend less time on frivolities (read that as social media).
Be more intentional about the things that pay your bills and you’ll find yourself drifting away from the things that don’t.
Doing these ten things can really change your life if you take them seriously.