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Mabel's Blog

The quality of your life is determined by the habits you embrace. If you want a productive life, you have to embrace productive habits. Unproductive habits lead to poor quality of life. It’s as simple as that. There’s no magic to it.  If you want a better life, below are 50 unproductive habits to get …

Read More about 50 Unproductive Habits To Get Rid Of For A Better Life

S*x is supposed to be amazing and pleasurable. If this is not happening for you and your partner, if the only pleasure you experience in bed is imagined, then something needs to give. People who enjoy physical intimacy are not so different from you; they just happen to know something that you don’t. So, don’t …

Read More about 10 Things That Make Physical Intimacy Amazing

Whether you’re an introvert like me who rarely initiates conversation (especially with a stranger except it is inevitably necessary) or you’re an extrovert like my husband who can know at least three things about a complete stranger within five minutes of meeting them, there’ll be times when you have to converse with others.  While this …

Read More about How to be Confident When Speaking with People