”My Boyfriend’s Family is Racist” You’ve seen the signs: The subtle, yet constant, jabs at your race. The way his family members roll their eyes when you walk into a room. The comments they make when they think you’re not listening. Discrimination is never easy to confront, and it can be especially challenging if you’re …
Mabel's Blog
Being cheated on by someone who vowed to cherish you, love you unconditionally, and be faithful is one of the most painful experiences a person can go through. If you’re struggling with this heartache and need painful messages to a cheating husband, you are at the right place. Sending painful messages to a cheating husband …
The question “Is he afraid of commitment or just not into me?” is an essential question to ask yourself as a lady and be sure to find answers to. Some women find themselves in relationships or “situationships” with men who can’t seem to commit. Commitment is a huge responsibility that requires sticking to one person …
”My wife says she loves me but doesn’t show it.” Love can be very dynamic with all the highs and lows and the twists and turns which add fun, beauty, and variety. But what happens when it seems like you’re always on a roller coaster ride in your marriage? Your heart is always on your …
You are faced with the possibility of a divorce right now, and you’re asking, “What does God want me to do when my husband wants a divorce?” Your marriage has experienced its fair share of challenges, and it looks like it is finally about to bite the dust. No marriage is perfect, but some marriages …
Does space help a broken relationship? It’s a familiar story: two people meet, fall in love, and then somewhere along the way, things start to go wrong. The flame of passion dwindles, arguments become more frequent, and soon enough, it feels like the only thing holding you together is habit. If this sounds like your …
How to let go of someone who doesn’t want you… You meet someone, you hit it off, and then, for whatever reason, they just stop responding to your texts. Or maybe you’ve been dating for a while, and things seem to be going great until suddenly, they start pulling away, and you’re left feeling confused …