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Mabel's Blog

Sometimes, quitting a relationship seems reasonable, especially when there’s constant arguing or fighting, lies and deception, disrespect, abuse, and the relationship has become toxic. But not all relationships are so black and white. What are the signs you should not break up with your partner? Because sometimes, breakups can seem like the right move, but …

Read More about 14 Crucial Signs You Should Not Break Up: You’ll Regret It If You Do

You’re in love with him. He’s in love with you. Wait. You’re not even sure if he’s for real or just using you. The worst thing is, the dude is married! What are the signs a married man is using you? It sounds like you are in a complicated relationship. You know that feeling you …

Read More about 16 Obvious Signs a Married Man is Using You: He Doesn’t Love You

A player is a person who is skilled at manipulating people. He may be using you for his own personal gain, and may not have any intention of committing to you as a partner. If you think that the man you’re dating might be married, here are some signs of a married player to look …

Read More about 20 Warning Signs of a Married Player: Don’t Be Played!

”Why is he ignoring me?” Boyfriends are supposed to be there for you, right? They’re the ones who will drop everything and be there when you need them. While they might be busy at times, a good boyfriend won’t ignore his girlfriend like she doesn’t exist. Maybe your boyfriend used to text you back right …


You have finally met the love of your life and he is everything you could have ever wanted. The only problem is that he is always busy and isn’t able to spend time with you. You know he loves you and will do anything for you but he just doesn’t have the time to give …

Read More about How To Keep a Busy Man Interested in You Without Acting Needy