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Mabel's Blog

Waking up at 5 a.m changed my life in one week!  No kidding, guys. I’ve come across a number of articles where the writers claimed waking up at 5 a.m. changed their lives, and I’d roll my eyes. Firstly, I used to believe there was nothing magical about waking up at 5 a.m.  People run …

Read More about How Waking Up at 5am Changed My Life in One Week

Physical intimacy is an important aspect of marriage and it should be treated as such. Conversations with married couples around the subject of intimacy—both physical and emotional, show that a lot of married people are not enjoying the intimacy that comes from getting it on. As a matter of fact, a lot of marriages are …

Read More about 8 Sex Mistakes Couples Make: Sexless Marriage Alert!

I’m sure you didn’t think you’d ever google “the worst thing a husband can say to his wife” on your wedding day. But reality hits you in marriage. Marriage is beautiful, no doubt, but it’s not all a bed of roses. There are bound to be conflicts in marriage—it’s part of the journey. However, conflicts …

Read More about The Worst Thing a Husband Can Say To His Wife: 250+ Things (List)

Imagine a life without sickness, pain, hurts, hatred, evil, poverty, and even death. Oh, what a paradise! That’s the kind of world I want to live in—a place of uninterrupted happiness and perfection. A world devoid of negative situations and circumstances. I’m sure you want that too. Who wouldn’t? But, newsflash, guys! We live on …

Read More about How To Stay Positive in a Negative Situation: 10 Powerful Coping Tips

Everyone should love themselves, right? I mean, why wouldn’t anyone love themselves? It doesn’t make sense. Well, it’s not that simple. Sometimes, you think you love yourself but you don’t. And this is evident in the way you treat yourself. Your actions and inactions show whether you love yourself or not. What then are the …

Read More about Self-Hating Behaviors : 10 Signs That You Don’t Love Yourself

While success means different things to different people, it is simply the achievement of set goals or achieving your heart desires. To some, success could be: getting a dream job buying a dream house becoming a bestselling author being an employee whose efforts are appreciated being a happy stay-at-home mom being recognised in one’s field …

Read More about 12 Pathetic Habits of Unsuccessful People