Why do guys use me? You may, as a lady, have found yourself in relationships that leave you feeling unfulfilled each and every time. A healthy relationship is one in which benefits are mutual. I am of the opinion that every relationship is transactional. There has to be something the parties are offering each other …
Mabel's Blog
An ideal romantic relationship thrives on love, respect, attention, and recognition, amongst many others. These are the continuous and conscious efforts that make a relationship remain as evergreen and fresh as it was at the beginning. However, as the relationship progresses, it’s possible for partners to “lose guard” and become complacent. This is often due …
”I have no feelings for my husband anymore…” When relationships get challenging, it’s not unusual for partners to experience a loss of romantic feelings and even begin to consider whether to stay together or part ways. If you find yourself in this situation right now and aren’t sure if you want to keep the connection …
Being in relationships where you feel heard, seen, understood, and loved is a top priority for every human. You know you’re connecting with others when you feel a lot better about yourself or the world after you’ve been with them. It’s important to know that not all relationships improve our lives, and some are toxic …
What does it mean when a guy says he wants to be friends but kisses you? Ever been out with your male friend, and then all of a sudden, he kisses you on the lips, and now you’re wondering what that could actually mean? Could it be that he likes you, or he’s just trying …
”He seems interested in person but not over text. Why?” So, you have met this new guy who ticks most of your boxes and makes you laugh. He is a great guy and seems quite serious about being with you. You enjoy his company and are even beginning to have butterflies in your belly. But …
No one likes the feeling of rejection. Whether we are aware of it or not, we all crave acceptance from others, so it hurts to know you were rejected, especially by someone you like. And most times, this feeling could lead to self-doubt and low self-esteem. Contrary to popular belief, guys also suffer the hurt …