You have met this new lady who you connect with very much. She ticks many of your boxes, and you both get along well. Everything seems really nice and perfect, and you are excited about the relationship, except for one thing: She never initiates text but always responds. This lady is a good communicator when …
Mabel's Blog
When he puts his hand on your thigh while driving, what does it mean? As a lady, you must have experienced this at one point or another, whether from a partner, friend, date, or stranger. Well, I have. I still do. And my reaction usually depends on the nature of my relationship with the person. …
Have you ever wondered if friends can destroy marriages and how? Friendship is a beautiful thing because friends make the world go round. Humans are relational and social in nature, created to be interdependent and not independent. However, friendships can have grave disadvantages at times. One of the bad sides of friendship is how friends …
Conflict resolution styles differ from one couple to another. Since arguments and fights are common and almost unavoidable, it is normal to see couples adopting a particular method of resolving conflict. While some people choose to talk about it between themselves, others may be used to talking to a third party. If your boyfriend falls …
”My boyfriend tells his friends about our fights!” Everything about relationships isn’t always pleasurable. The hardest and trickiest part of a relationship is always securing your privacy. Because a relationship entails bringing another person into your life to share the entirety of your life, protecting your privacy becomes very important. Sometimes, we may feel that …
“My boyfriend tells me to find someone else when mad. At first, I thought it was a joke, but now it is not funny because he always does it. Each time we have an argument, he makes comments that imply that I should leave him and find someone else…” This is a challenging place to …
Are you a lady more drawn to older men, or have you just found out you’re beginning to develop feelings for an older man? If that’s the case, you need to know all involved in dating an older man because it’s quite different from dating someone your age or younger. Dating an older man comes …