“What attracts an older man to a younger woman?” The answer to this question isn’t just about sexual attraction but also emotional intimacy and how a younger woman makes an older man feel. The idea of an older man dating a younger woman often evokes images of someone with money looking for a trophy wife, …
Mabel's Blog
You’ve probably heard the maxim, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” But what about relationships? Should you keep your relationship private not secret? Relationships are hard. They take work and dedication, but they’re worth it. When you find the right person, you want to shout it from the rooftops and tell everyone about it. …
Why do midlife crisis affairs never last? You know the scenario: A man who’s been married for 20 years suddenly decides to have an affair. He’s unhappy with his life, and he wants to change it. So he starts sleeping with his secretary, neighbor, or a woman who’s ten years younger than him. The affair …
If you’re in a relationship, at some point, you will get into a fight. And if you’re married or have been married for some time, these arguments will likely occur in the bedroom. That’s because sex is often one of the biggest sources of conflict in relationships. Sex is an intimate act that can bring …
An older man is pretty much the same as he was in his 20s — except now he’s probably got more money, experience, and power and has been married before or had serious relationships. So you indeed need to know how to tell if a man over 50 likes you. I understand that people are …
”What to say to an ex who hurt you?” The end of a relationship can be a tough pill to swallow. After all, you spent all that time getting to know someone, only to have it all come crashing down. And if your ex was the one who did the hurting, it can be especially …
As a man, you’ve probably heard of the midlife crisis. But what exactly is it and what are the warning signs of midlife crisis in a man? A midlife crisis is a period of psychological upheaval that affects many people in their 40s or 50s. It’s a time when many men feel the need to …