”Why do breakups hurt even when you wanted it?” Breakups are tricky. Even when you’re the one who wanted it to end, it can still feel like a punch to the gut. Breakups are about more than just your feelings for each other. They’re also about your identity and self-worth — your sense of who …
Mabel's Blog
When a guy keeps texting your girlfriend, it’s normal to be concerned. It shows you love your girlfriend and don’t want to lose her. But you don’t want to overreact either. You don’t want to jump to conclusions or assume that the guy’s intentions are bad or that he’s going to try and steal your …
If you are in need of ”I can’t wait to make love to you quotes” for your future wife/husband, I’ve got you. It’s normal to fantasize about your life with the person you love, including your bedroom affairs. Marriage is not just spiritual communion; it is also very physical communion. It is not just loving …
What are the signs he doesn’t want to spend time with you? So you’ve been dating this guy for a while, and the relationship is moving nicely. He makes you laugh, is always there when you need him, and even starts talking about the future — like marriage and kids. Then one day things change. …
”I hate my boyfriend’s past!” ”My boyfriend’s past makes me sick!” So you’ve been dating your boyfriend for several months, and it’s going great. You feel like he is THE ONE, and he seems to feel the same way. The only problem is that he has a few skeletons in his closet, whatever that means …
”He likes me but started dating someone else!” In the world of dating and relationships, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. In particular, there are times when people do things that are so confusing and frustrating that it leaves their partner wondering what the hell is going on. It’s a scenario …
No woman wants to be an option to the guy they are dating. Every woman wants to be a priority and deserves to be. What happens if a guy is not treating you like a priority? Or how do you know if he’s treating you like you are disposable? If your guy is constantly sending …