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”Why Am I So Tired Around My Boyfriend?” 11 Reasons Why

”Why Am I So Tired Around My Boyfriend?” 11 Reasons Why

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”Why am I so tired around my boyfriend?”

Do you find yawning and without energy whenever you are with your man?

You would think you should be bubbling with energy whenever you are with the one you love, but the reverse is the case.

Here are a few potential explanations for why you might be feeling tired around your boyfriend:


”Why Am I So Tired Around My Boyfriend?”

1. When you’re in a comfortable relationship with someone, it’s easy to relax around them and let your guard down

When you’re in a comfortable relationship with someone, relaxing around them is easy.

You don’t have to worry about impressing them or putting on a show, so you can just be yourself.

However, this relaxed attitude can also lead to feelings of boredom or complacency as you’re not expending as much energy on being on alert.

This might be the reason you feel tired around your boyfriend.


2. You are chemically bonded with your boyfriend

Why Am I So Tired Around My Boyfriend?

When you’re attracted to someone, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel good.

These chemicals include dopamine and oxytocin, which can lead to feelings of happiness, love, and bonding.

However, they can also lead to physical exhaustion as your body works to produce them.

The theory is also that your brain releases chemicals that make you sleepy when you’re around him because it wants to make sure you stay close to him.

This chemical release makes it so you are more likely to want to cuddle up next to him than go out and hang with friends or do other activities. 


3. You’re not getting enough sleep

Why Am I So Tired Around My Boyfriend?

If you find that you’re always tired around your boyfriend, it could be because you’re not getting enough sleep.

When you’re in a relationship, it’s easy to stay up late talking to your partner or spending time with them.

However, this can lead to you feeling exhausted during the day as you’re not getting enough rest.

You can also be tired from work, school, and other responsibilities.

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep by setting a bedtime for yourself and sticking.


4. You’re subconsciously trying to be the perfect girlfriend

You might be so tired around your boyfriend because you’re subconsciously trying to be the perfect girlfriend.

You want to make sure that he’s happy and that you’re doing everything right, so you’re constantly on the lookout for ways to improve.

You’re always trying to think of new things to do or ways to make things better, and it’s exhausting.

If this is your case, let me assure you that your boyfriend loves you for who you are, not for all you are trying to do.

He wants you to be yourself, not some idealized version of what you think he wants.

So relax and take a break from trying to be perfect.

You’ll be happier if you just enjoy each other’s company and let things happen naturally.


5. You have a lot on your plate

You’re probably feeling tired because you have a lot on your plate.

These days, it’s hard to get everything done.

If you’re juggling work, school, family, friends, and your relationship, it’s no wonder you’re feeling exhausted.


6. Your boyfriend doesn’t challenge or stimulate you

If you’re with someone who doesn’t challenge or stimulate you, it can leave you bored and exhausted.

When we’re bored, our minds wander, and this can lead to fatigue.

When we’re understimulated, our minds tend to wander more than when we’re busy with an engaging activity.

So if you feel tired around your boyfriend all the time, it may not be because you don’t have much to talk about or do together.


7. You’re spending all your time together

Why Am I So Tired Around My Boyfriend?

When you spend all your time with your boyfriend, you lack the necessary rest and rejuvenation that comes from being alone and having unstructured time.

This can lead to feeling tired and overworked, which is also why you might feel more tired around him than usual.

When we’re in a relationship, it’s easy to let our other friendships fall away—but this is detrimental to both our romantic relationship and friendships.

It’s important to maintain connections outside of the context of your relationship so that they are there for us when our relationships get tough.


8. You’ve been together for a while

Why Am I So Tired Around My Boyfriend?

If you’ve been together for a while, it’s not surprising that you might feel more tired around your boyfriend than usual.

Over time, the newness of a relationship can start to wear off, and we can get into a routine.

This can lead to feeling more like friends than lovers, which can be tiring because you’re not making new memories.

It’s important to keep the spark alive in your relationship by trying new things, going on dates, and trying to keep things fresh.


9. You’re not used to being in a relationship

If you’re new to being in a relationship, it’s possible that you’re just not used to it yet.

It takes time to get used to being with someone, which can be exhausting.

Give yourself some time to adjust, and things will eventually start to feel more normal.


10. You’re in an unhappy relationship

Why Am I So Tired Around My Boyfriend?

If you’re in an unhappy relationship, it’s no wonder you’re always feeling tired.

When we’re unhappy, our minds are constantly occupied with thoughts of our partner and the relationship.

This can lead to feeling drained and exhausted, both mentally and physically.


11. Your boyfriend is emotionally exhausting

 We all know that relationships are hard work, but sometimes you find yourself in a relationship where it feels like the emotional labor is just too much.

When we’re around someone constantly draining us, it’s only natural that we start to feel exhausted.

Emotionally exhausting relationships are characterized by a lot of drama, insecurity, and neediness.

If you find yourself in this situation, it might be time to talk with your boyfriend about how you’re feeling.


This list isn’t exhaustive but gives you an idea of why you might feel more tired around your boyfriend than usual.

If you’re concerned that your fatigue is due to something more serious, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor.

Why Am I So Tired Around My Boyfriend?


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