Love is in the air, and so is the question, ‘Will you marry me?’ If you long to be married, I’m sure being asked this question is a moment both awaited and cherished, where your heart skips a beat and lives change forever. In this whirlwind of emotions, finding the perfect words to say ‘yes’ …
Love & Relationships
I haven’t lived on earth for so long, but I have lived long enough to meet many people. I have met people of different races, tribes, cultures, personalities, behaviors, and lifestyles in different forms, shapes, and sizes. And one category of people who never fail to amaze me are emotionless people. People who seem to …
So, you’re ready to pop the question and want to find the perfect ring to propose with. But regular diamonds aren’t sparking inspiration? Then, why not consider a vibrant-colored gemstone that matches your partner’s unique personality? According to The Wedding Report, the curiosity and acceptance of colored engagement rings have increased by 30%, with about …
You have never had a relationship with a guy who didn’t end up hurting you, and you are bothered about it. You wonder why the guys hurt you even when they claim to love you. Is it possible for a guy to love you yet purposely hurt you? Word on the street is that it …
A grown man who still lives with his mother is a red flag in the dating world. Why is it a red flag? After all, there are grown women who still live with their mothers, too. But there is a difference in the way society views men and women who live with their parents. I …
There are different dynamics of relationships out there, and one that will always make the rounds is the baby-mama “arrangement.” I really cannot call it a relationship in this context because of the different things that might have made the relationship what it was at that point. Technically, it is what is called co-parenting, which …
Your baby’s daddy is your baby-daddy because the only relationship that now exists between you both is that of co-parents. Nothing more. However, his actions lately are somewhat hinting that there’s more. You suspect that he misses you, but you don’t want to rush to conclusions. Let me help you shed light on this matter …