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8 Striking Differences Between a Nice Guy and a Good Man

8 Striking Differences Between a Nice Guy and a Good Man

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As a lady, I’m sure you must have said or heard things like:

”He’s such a good guy.”

”He’s a nice guy.”

What’s the difference, or are they the same?

Maybe you meet a guy who seems sweet, considerate, and oh-so-nice…but as the relationship progresses, you start to wonder if he’s actually all that good for you.

Or maybe you’ve dated a man who truly embodies the qualities of a good partner, but you overlooked him because he didn’t have that “nice guy” exterior.

Who is a nice guy, and who is a good guy?

Let’s find out.

Differences Between a Nice Guy and a Good Man

1. Nice Guys Focus on Appeasing You; Good Men Focus on Empowering You

Differences Between a Nice Guy and a Good Man

One of the key differences between a nice guy and a good man is how they treat your needs and wants in a relationship.

A nice guy will bend over backward to make sure you’re happy, often at the expense of his own values and goals.

He might be a pushover, saying yes to everything you ask, even when it’s not in his best interest.

A good man, on the other hand, will prioritize your happiness while still making sure he’s living up to his own standards.

He’ll help you to grow and become your best self, not just placate you with empty flattery.

For example, a nice guy might always defer to your restaurant choice, even if he hates sushi and would really prefer Italian.

A good man would suggest a compromise, like finding a sushi spot with some Italian options or taking turns choosing the restaurant each time you go out.

One thing a lot of nice guys don’t understand is that, as much as we love a guy who aims to please, we also want someone who can stand their ground and have opinions of their own.

A good man will challenge us to be better, not just make us feel comfortable all the time.


2. Nice Guys Want to Win You Over, Good Men Want to Earn Your Love

Differences Between a Nice Guy and a Good Man

Nice guys often come across as needy because they’re always trying so hard to get your attention and affection.

They see you as the prize, and they’ll do anything to win you over.

But a good man knows that love isn’t something you can just win through grand gestures or constant flattery.

A good man will show you his worth through consistent actions, not just empty words.

He’ll put in effort to get to know you and understand your needs and desires rather than just trying to impress you or make you like him.

In a way, nice guys are often more focused on their own ego and validation rather than truly caring for the woman they’re pursuing.

But a good man is genuinely interested in making a connection with you and building a strong, healthy relationship.


3. Nice Guys Have Hidden Agendas, Good Men Are Genuine

One of the biggest criticisms of nice guys is that they often have hidden agendas.

They may seem kind and thoughtful on the surface, but their actions are motivated by a desire for something in return, usually validation or attention.

Good men are genuine in their intentions.

They don’t have ulterior motives and are truly interested in getting to know you for who you are, not just what they can gain from the relationship.

A nice guy might do things like shower you with compliments or buy you expensive gifts to try and win your affection, attention, and validation.

But a good man will show his appreciation and love through sincere gestures, such as thoughtful acts of service or quality time spent together.

It doesn’t mean good guys don’t do gifts or grand gestures

The difference here is their motive.

I don’t want guys who do transactional love with me. 


4. Nice Guys Avoid Conflict, Good Men Address Issues

Differences Between a Nice Guy and a Good Man

If I’m being honest, conflicts aren’t fun in a romantic relationship.

But they’re inevitable, and how a couple handles them can make or break the relationship.

Nice guys often avoid addressing conflicts or issues in the relationship because they don’t want to rock the boat.

They’d rather sweep things under the rug and pretend everything is fine, even if it’s not, hoping it blows over.

A good man would sit down and have an honest conversation about what’s been causing the tension and work with you to find ways to communicate better and resolve conflicts more effectively.

I mean, how will you know what you like and don’t like if you don’t quarrel?

Quarrels don’t mean your relationship is in trouble or that you are not compatible.

They only show you are different, and that’s good. 

Variety is the spice of life. 


5. Nice Guys Use Gifts as a Band-Aid; Good Men Use Them as a Celebration

Gift-giving is a common gesture in relationships, but the intention behind the gift can reveal a lot about the person giving it.

Nice guys may try to use gifts as a way to make up for their mistakes or shortcomings.

When they mess up, they’ll try to make you happy with material things instead of addressing and fixing the issue at hand.

A good man, however, will use gifts as a way to celebrate milestones or special occasions in the relationship. 

He’ll give meaningful presents to show appreciation and gratitude for your love and support. 

Gifts should never be used as an excuse not to talk about problems; they should be seen as a way of expressing your feelings for each other. 

They should be given from the heart, with genuine love and appreciation of the person they are being given to. 

When someone is giving you a gift simply out of obligation or guilt, it will lack any real emotion or sentimentality. 


6. Nice Guys Try to Be Everything You Want, Good Men Embrace Their Authenticity

difference between a nice guy and a good guy

When you really like a person, it’s natural to want to impress them and make them happy.

But there’s a difference between making an effort and being completely inauthentic.

Nice guys will often try to mold themselves into the “perfect” partner, acting how they think you want them to be rather than just being themselves.

They may try to change their hobbies, personality, likes, dislikes, or beliefs just to fit your ideal image of a partner.

They’re afraid that if they show any of their flaws or imperfections, you’ll reject them.

A good man will embrace his authentic self and not be afraid to show his true colors.

He knows that a real relationship is built on honesty and vulnerability, not perfection.

For example, if he’s an introvert and you are more outgoing, a nice guy might try to become more outgoing to make you happy.

But a good man would understand and respect your differences, finding ways to support and balance each of your personalities.


7. A Nice Guy May Be Charming, But a Good Man Is Sincere

Nice guys are often charming and know how to say all the right things to make you feel special.

But sometimes, it might feel like they’re just going through the motions or following a script.

A good man is sincere in his words and actions.

He’ll take the time to understand your needs and wants, and his compliments and gestures will come from a genuine place.

He won’t just try to charm you with smooth talk; he’ll show you through his consistent actions that he truly cares about you.

And that’s the kind of love you deserve.


8. A Nice Guy is Ego-Driven; A Good Man is Humble.

How is it possible that a nice is not humble but ego-driven?

The thing is, nice guys are often more focused on their own ego.

They constantly seek praise or approval from others, using their “nice” persona as a way to gain it.

You’ll notice that nice guys like it when they are being called ”nice.”

A good man, instead, is humble and doesn’t need external validation to feel good about himself.

He’s secure in who he is and is more focused on lifting others up rather than boosting his own ego.

That means he’ll value your thoughts and feelings and won’t constantly seek validation from you or others.

He’s confident in himself and his actions, which makes him a truly good man to have in your life.

As you can see, the difference between a nice guy and a good man goes beyond surface-level qualities like kindness and chivalry.

Of course, being nice is an important trait for any partner to have, but it’s not the only marker of a meaningful relationship.

So, don’t get carried away by the superficial charm of a nice guy.

It may feel good at first, but in the long run, you’ll need a partner for real, even if that means you won’t always have your way.

But you’ll know it’s for the best.

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