People date for different reasons.
I get it.
It’d be wrong to assume that everyone dates for love.
So, yes, some people date for the sole purpose of physical intimacy.
If this is why you’re in a relationship, you can’t stop reading here.
But if you want a relationship where you want to love and be loved in return, respected, and treated like the queen that you are, then you’ll want to be sure that you’re on the same page with the person you’re dating, and that he’s not using you for sex without your knowledge.
So, how do you know if a guy is just using you for sex and not really into you?
How do you know if he wants you for real or you’re just his pastime?
Here’s how to know:
- It’s all about s*x every time you see
While it’s good to be physically attracted to each other in a relationship and want to be locked in each other’s arms every time you see, it’s a problem if getting physically intimate is all you do.
You should be exploring each other’s minds as well and not just your bodies.
There are other ways you can enjoy each other’s company without getting physically intimate.
You can go on dates, visit new places together, play games, learn new things etc.
There are lots and lots of things you can do together.
If he’s not interested in doing other things with you every time you meet except being physically intimate, you should beware.
Maybe that’s all he wants. Maybe he’s using you for sex.
2. You do it wherever you meet
It’s all about s*x wherever you meet.
In the car, at a party, in the office, at home, a friend’s house etc), that’s what he wants, even if you don’t.
3. He adds nothing to your life
One of the goals of being in a relationship is to have someone to encourage and support you to achieve your life goals.
If he’s doing nothing in your life except getting physically intimate with you, that may be all he’s there for.
He doesn’t care about your life goals, your dreams and aspirations. He doesn’t even care about your challenges.
You don’t even talk about these things, and when you do, it’s either he’s disinterested or doesn’t have anything meaningful to contribute.
4. He boasts always of his ability to take you to cloud nine
He’s always boasting of his bedroom skills thereby making you look forward to seeing him for some action.
There should be other skills he should boast of to you.
What about leadership skill, decision-making ability, financial management etc.?
What else is he bringing to the table?
5. Your meeting place
You’re always meeting in places where getting physically intimate is easy and tempting.
A friend once asked me what a guy meant by inviting her over to his house on a first date.
She felt insulted and wondered if it was okay to feel that way.
Why his house on a first date? Why not meet elsewhere?
If he’s always suggesting that you meet in places where it’ll just be you and him, then he might have a different intention from yours.
6. Meeting time
He always wants you to meet up late in the night when you’re too tired to have any meaningful discussion or when you’re likely to end up where you can both have some fun.
7. Your communication
Your phone talks, chats, and messages are always about how you can’t wait to eat up each other when next you see.
Or you keep reminiscing about the fun times you had together.
A relationship should be about getting to know each other and getting into each other’s worlds.
There are countless of things to talk about – childhood experiences, college, work, goals, dreams and aspirations, movies, opinions about different issues etc.
If you don’t seem to have anything else to talk about but your fun times, maybe that’s all there is about the relationship.
Physical intimacy is the only connection you have; that’s the only thing connecting you together.
9. What he misses about you
The only thing he misses about you and being with you is your body.
Is that all there is to miss about you?
What about your smiles, your laughter, your company?
Always remember that you’re a total package and you have more to offer.
9. His availability
He’s never available when you need him, except for some action of course.
He’s never willing to do anything for you or go an extra mile to please you or make you happy except he’ll get some action in return.
10. His mood
He’s not always happy when you turn him down.
This is how you know a guy who is really into you or just into the action.
That’s why women are advised not to give in until he’s put a ring on that finger.
If you give in to a man because you’re afraid he’ll leave, then, you’re in a wrong boat.
A man should be with you because he’s into you, not because of your coochie.
A lot of women who desire to be celibate in their relationship are subtly pressured to give in because they fear a man will leave them if they don’t give in.
I believe any man who doesn’t want you because you don’t want to be physically intimate with him yet isn’t serious about you.
Your coochie is all he wants, and he only wants to use you for sex.
11. Respect for your body
He’s doesn’t respect your body.
A man who loves you should respect it when you say NO.
He shouldn’t push it.
If he loves you, he’ll respect your choice and body.
12. His plans
Not only does he not share his plans with you, but he also doesn’t include you in them, except of course it has to do with getting some action.
This is because he has no plans for you!
He only wants you for sex.
13. Requests for nudes
He might request for your nudes or even suggest you record a video of your ‘actions’.
And if you refuse, there’ll be trouble in paradise.
Ladies who give in to these requests usually end up regretting because they become victims of blackmail and manipulation, especially when they want out of the relationship.
The men threaten to release their pictures and videos.
I’ve handled some real-life cases myself.
That’s why I keep telling ladies not to fall into the temptation of sending intimate pictures and recording adult videos with a boyfriend.
14. He’s not interested in you
If someone loves you, they’ll be interested in you and in knowing you more.
But a man who wants to use you for sex will not care about who you are or want to know you more.
A man who wants for real will be excited to crack your code each day.
15. Your feelings
If you feel you deserve more, then you do.
Because women are so blessed with the gift of intuition, we can always tell if we are being loved or used except for women who allow themselves to be blinded by emotions and sentiments.
If you think you deserve more, then settle for more.
Don’t allow yourself to be treated like a piece of rag.
Know what you want and don’t settle for less.

Rosanna Perez
Sunday 25th of July 2021
This is not reliable information.Just because some people do not like premarriage sex does not mean you can force your opinions on others.Some people like posing nude for their bfs,this is none of your business.If a guy cuts you off completely yes he is using you,but some people have sex with no commitment for years because they have trust issues. Do not assume anything and this is nothing to be proud of,people have a right to say what they want and telling people what they need to hear is a sign of narcissistic tendancies.
Mabel's Blog
Sunday 25th of July 2021
I hope next time you read any article, you'll read with an open mind so you can comprehend whatever you read.
One, I stated in my introduction that some people get into relationships just to have s*x without any emotional attachment.
It's their decision and I didn't shame them for it.
Two, posing nude for your boyfriend because you like it is different from sending nudes because you're pressured to do it.
And I never said it's my business. If you didn't want to read my opinion, you wouldn't have clicked on the post.
You can do whatever you like in your relationship but you are not spared of the consequences of your decision.
Many women are victims of blackmail and extortion because of their nudes.
Just because you got lucky doesn't mean it's right. Others aren't lucky.
Lastly, this is my blog, and it's my business. Whatever you read here is my business. You come here to read my business. You don't have the right to say whatever I choose to write on my blog is none of my business.
Bless you.
Saturday 23rd of January 2021
Really good advice.l noted all the points on my ex_bf and my intuition told me something wasn't right and I quit before he came to realise it.
Mabel's Blog
Saturday 23rd of January 2021
Awesome! I'm glad you were smart enough to quit.
Sunday 10th of January 2021
I feel like that and he is in another city but i realize i have to stand my ground and move on because it's nothing there with him.
Mabel's Blog
Sunday 10th of January 2021
I salute your courage to move on. It's better than to waste time over nothing.
Robert Webster
Friday 11th of December 2020
I met my wife and we had sex on the second date. We had sex every night for the next two years, not missing out even once. The best sex and the best partner I’ve ever had. We have been together for over 49 years.
Sunday 25th of July 2021
you are right. I and my husband, were childhood sweet hearts and we had sex at 20 and we are still together over 35 years
Tuesday 12th of January 2021
Best husband of the year kudos
Saturday 19th of December 2020
Wow. There are exceptions to rules. I guess you are one. lol
Doreen Tillya
Sunday 29th of November 2020
I feel so good and enough of myself after reading this. Thankyou so much!
Sunday 29th of November 2020
Awww. That's so good to know!